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recent patch(excluding the beta)


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completely removed warrior from pvp meta, thanks anet.

only way to play warrior now is play full sustain tank and troll like a little mosquito

also break enchantment has no tool tip for how many boon it can remove in pvp

and it will only get worse after weapon master btw

condi zerker got worse, power zerker is still garbage

entire spellbreaker roster got worse, off hand dagger still has 0 point.

bladesworn got worse.

in relative to other classes.

btw signet cata completely deleted the entire warrior from the face of earth as side noder. so there has nothing else to play, if you see a good enemy signet cata and you play warrior, you may as well just close the game, because you have 0 utility for any other area. if you play condi chrono you can still 2v2 and support and team fight at least.

and this is literally how fragile warrior is in pvp, if there's one better side noder, your entire class is gone.

no Soto for me.

Edited by felix.2386
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The balancing always comes home to roost. Because the skills for the weapons associated with warrior are so insignificant and don't mitigate any existing class issues or unlock any new playstyles, Anet has now found themselves at a position where they cannot sell mechanics to me as a warrior main.

Your artists (and the developer that laid the foundation for your combat system) are carrying you. I'm waiting to see what you all have for me at the end of July because I -do- want the chubby lil UNIT but I can hard pass on it and the entire expack since a string of mediocre passes over warrior means it does nothing for me. If it's more punishment (or heck, the same punishment), fine, there's other games to spend money on. 


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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