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So I just realized [Heat the Soul] has a 5s CD and not a 4s CD like EVERY OTHER WARRIOR THING that their kit takes into account... WHY!?!?


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Please God, someone explain this to me. With [Versatile Power] and [Fast Hands] which you DO TAKE on every Berserker build, (because Warrior is actually unplayable without and balanced around Discipline,) your Primal Burst skills and Weapon Swap cooldowns are reduced to 4.25s and 5s respectively.

That's why the might on Weapon-Swap (altho basically non-existent today) is on a 4s cooldown. (Mostly to account for the novel use of Warrior Runes - Which drop the Weapon Swap cooldown to 4s.) And so did whoever originally implemented Bladesworn because, even though the damage is dog-kitten, the cooldown on [Unseen Sword] is also 4s.

*Incidentially these should actually be reduced to 3s or just removed. because if you take Discipline on Bladesworn the cooldown is further reduced to 3s because Gunsaber functions like a kit. But this isn't really my point.

I also realized that while they front-loaded 2 of the bleed stacks onto [Flurry] they just removed 2 of them from [Flaming Flurry], made it hit less, do less damage, and didn't even shorten the cast time.


My point is: Is ANet just afraid to hire someone who has ever touched a Warrior or what!? Like I'm not memeing at this point. They just had ~3 job postings for Balance Devs so I'm genuinely asking. Did someone on Team USA, or some EU team I don't know about, just ask them to keep Warrior sh*t forever and never update it or something?? Did Cal die to it too many times on stream??? I legit want to know. It gets the barest minimum of ancillary updates and most of the traits and weapon skill have never been touched. It's been 10 years.

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Hmm i don't get what ya mean. A normal DPS warr would use 5 Seconds weapon sweap cause warr rune is just a dps loss. So a 5 seconds cd does makes sence (since you eather play like burst, sweap weapons, burst, sweap weapons and so on. Only part where 4 Seconds would just makes a difference is Power Berserker warr (cause Axe primal burst get No CD) and maybe also if you Play on Warr Rune (again this would be a nonsence dps loss) ^^


On Bladesworn ...... Well the new alac traitline does not even gain a CD on it so no Idea what is your suppose to say it get a 4 seconds cd on weaponsweap xd.


To the Sword thing you mentioned. Also a big no. They might have reduced its cast time and Hits but they also increased the condition durarions and also its Power dmg at the same time. So while u are using the new bloody reaction traitline your dps is increased by alot. At the same time while you use the new quickness lines its a dmg loss but this is a good Balance step. Cause you loss dps in case of been able to share one of the two big needed boons ^^

Edited by Myror.7521
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