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For my 1st legendary should I go for Incinerator or Primordus's Claw?

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I've just gotten back into the game after a year or so away, and have decided to work on getting my first ever legendary weapon.  I play as a Thief, and had always loved the look of the Incinerator dagger.  It seems I'd already put in some work towards Incinerator the last time I played, and currently have Gift of Incinerator and Gift of Mastery.  I'm missing the precursor (Spark) and Gift of Fortune though.

I'm curious whether to bother getting it now that Primordus's Claw is out, as I love the look of that as well.  I guess I'd have to start completely from scratch if I wanted that though.

Which would you guys suggest going for, and which would you say looks the best in game?  I guess aesthetic value and how it looks to other players is important as well for me.  The only problem with Incinerator compared to Primordus's Claw though is that it looks quite meh when it's stowed, whereas Primordus's Claw still looks awesome even when it's stowed.

I know it's a personal choice really, but as I'm already halfway to Incinerator it seems a shame to NOT get it.  Then again, the allure of it might not be so great anymore as loads of people probably have it, I don't know.

Edited by Vanchatron.2306
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While Gift of Fortune and the precursor are the expensive parts of the build, you have the time-consuming aspects completed... the remaining components can be bought... so whether you have the assets or need to farm the gold to buy, you can do whatever activity you prefer and it will all count towards completion... so I would agree that with your investment in Incinerator, I would lean towards finishing that off regardless... then sell (currently around 2k) to help you recover and put towards the G3 weapon, if ultimately you prefer that one.

As you've recognized, it's really a matter of personal preference regarding the look... I like them both and would choose in consideration of your overall look and what best suits the character.

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13 hours ago, jokke.6239 said:

I wish I could trade in Incinirator and Frostfang for the new ones.

That draw and combat effect is just so nice

talking about the aurene legendarys? the effect on a crit kill  are pretty cool. buying one every pay check tell i have them all. i hate crafting so i am ok with spending 150 dollars on gems to sale has gold. worth every penny imo

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9 hours ago, trunks.5249 said:

talking about the aurene legendarys? the effect on a crit kill  are pretty cool. buying one every pay check tell i have them all. i hate crafting so i am ok with spending 150 dollars on gems to sale has gold. worth every penny imo

Yes and no

I just have the jormag variant so far, but want to get the others too.

Aurene kind of cool, but the longbow didn't look so good imo with Aurene version

It's like $50 if you craft Aurene legendary

You just need to complete the 4 zones in EoD,  farm 2500 imperial favors, farm a gift of battle in WvW (with birthday boost, guild boost, enrichment boost + xp boost you can grab for 1 laurel it doesn't take too long) and save up on mystic clovers

Rest is just purchase from vendor/tp and so on


But hey, if you can afford it, I'm sure Arena Net appreciate it😃

Edited by jokke.6239
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