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New Elite Spec Ideas - Warleader - A Supportive Warrior Spec

Drag You Down.2615

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After 2 years of playing, I was bothered by the fact that this game has no specific Warrior healer, and all the other classes have at least one spec which can do some healing. (Even chrono can do some healing with Well of Eternity and All's Well That Ends Well.) So I decided to make one myself. Feel free to add confused emoji and give me any constructive comments. I am not a professional designer, but I did learn design and was taught as a product designer when I was in high school.

I have the idea of making this e-spec long time ago. I was inspired by Joan of Arc in some degrees. I think a warrior does not have to be fighter, it can also be a spiritual leader to command other allies to fight. Since Anet is not going to tie new weapon with e-specs, I will not include a new set of weapon skill design here. 

The entire spec is around Recruitment Skill, which is a variation of Necro's Minion. I was going to call it minion but minion in GW2 is only for necromancy, so recruitment is more closed to the theme and design.

All the names here are very random, I am not good at giving names. So any suggestions about naming will be greatly helpful.



() means the information inside will not be in tooltip, it's just a reminder.

[] means the information is for different game modes.

AT means Activation Time.

CD means Recharge, or Cooldown.





Control the war like an absolute dominator, command your allies with your own tactics to reach the final victory. The enemies on your battlefield will become nothing compared to this tremendous power, the power of unity.



Minor Adept

Operational Control: Your strike no longer grants adrenaline. You gain adrenaline when you heal, grant barrier or boons to your ally or yourself (1 unit per heal, barrier, each unique boon). When you use a burst skill, you will also create Battle Formation. You will not be able to gain adrenaline when Battle Formation is active and 2 seconds after its deactivation. (Adrenaline bar will be locked. The lock duration will not be reduced by any other trait.)

(Despite the fact that you cannot get adrenaline from attacking enemies, the adrenaline generated from skills are not affected, although some of them may require you to hit a target.)


Profession Mechanic

Battle Formation: Create a mobile aura around you, increasing the outgoing damage, critical chance and incoming boon base duration. The effectiveness increases based on the number of allied targets in the area.

(Pets can count towards the allied targets if the target number is not at maximum, but will not get benefit additionally from the effect.)

Level 1 duration: 4 seconds

Level 2 duration: 6 seconds

Level 3 duration: 8 seconds

Battle Formation (1 stack): +3% all outgoing damage, +2% critical chance, +3% incoming boon duration. (+15% outgoing damage, 10% critical chance and 15% incoming boon duration maximum.) [All base values reduce 1% in WvW. No increase of critical chance in PvP.]

Number of Targets: 5

Radius: 360


(Subsequent Skill) (After using a Burst skill, F1 will be Free Formation. The Weapon Burst skill will only begin to recharge after Battle Formation's deactivation.)

Free Formation: End Battle Formation Earlier.


Healing Skill

Field Hospital: Recruitment. Summon a medic to blow the warhorn. Medic will always follow you, stay around you, and drop two med kits each interval.

(Medic will always be a Charr Male with warhorn as off-hand weapon.)

1 sec AT

(Medic Skill:

Bandage: Drop two med kits to provide small amount of healing.

Healing: 420 (0.15)

Duration: 10 seconds

Intervel: 3 seconds


Every third drop of med kit will have enhanced effects.

Potion Bundle: Drop two large bundles of potions to provide small amount of healing and remove a condition.

Condition Remove: 1

Regen (3s): 390 Heal

Vigor (3s): +50% Endurance Regeneration

Duration: 10 seconds)


(Subsequent Skill)

Refreshing Warhorn: Command Medic to grant barrier to allies. The sound of warhorn also increases the duration of all boons currently existing on you and your allies. Medic will be dismissed after this.

1 sec AT, 20 sec CD.

Initial Self Heal: 2450 (1.2)

Barrier: 1300 (1.8)

Duration Increase: 3 seconds

Combo Finisher: Blast

Number of Targets: 5

Radius: 600

Range: 360



1.Body Shield: Recruitment. Summon a guard to protect allies. Guard will always follow you, stay around you, and bash an enemy within the range each interval, prioritising your target.

(Guard will always be a Norn Male with shield as off-hand weapon.)

1 sec AT

Guard Follow Radius: 360

(Guard Skill:

Bash: Bash your enemy with shield. Guard will not attack if there’s no enemy within his follow range.

Damage: 420 (0.15)

Number of targets: 1

Range: 180

Intervel: 3 seconds


Every third attack, he will use shout to protect allies.

“Watch Out!”: Apply boons to nearby allies.

Aegis (3s): Block the next incoming attack. [1.5s Aegis in WvW and PvP]

Number of Targets: 5

Radius: 360)


(Subsequent Skill)

Glorious Sacrifice: Command guard to taunt enemies while block the incoming attacks and break stun for allies. Guard will be dismissed after this.

35 sec CD

Taunt (1.5s): Involuntarily attack foes.

Block Duration: 3 seconds

Number of Targets: 5

Radius: 360

Breaks Stun


2. Magic Reinforcement: Recruitment. Summon a warmage to obstruct your enemies. Warmage will always follow you, stay around you, and release a lightning bolt towards an enemy within the range each interval, prioritising your target.

(Warmage will always be an Asura Female with staff as two-handed weapon.)

1 sec AT

Warmage Follow Radius: 360

(Warmage Skill:

Electric Current: Hit multiple foes with Bouncing lightning bolt. Warmage will not attack if there’s no enemy within her attack range.

Damage: 200 (0.08)

Number of Bounces: 3

Range: 1200.

Intervel: 3 seconds


Every third attack, she will use Icy Blast.

Icy Blast: Afflict extreme cold on multiple foes.

Bleeding (3 stacks) (2s): 132 Damage

Chill (2s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed.

Combo Finisher: Blast

Number of Targets: 3

Range: 1200.)


(Subsequent Skill)

Elemental Chaos: Command warmage to creates an incredible magical storm on targeted location, applies conditions to foes and boons to allies each pulse. Warmage will be dismissed after this.

0.5 sec AT, 25 sec CD

First Pulse Bleeding (4 Stacks) (6s): 528 Damage

First Pulse Protection (4s): -33% Incoming Damage

Second Pulse Vulnerability (5 Stacks) (10s): +5% Incoming Damage, +5% Incoming Condition Damage

Second Pulse Fury (5s): +25% Critical Chance

Third Pulse Chill (4s): -66% Skill Recharge Rate, -66% Movement Speed

Third Pulse Regen (8s): 1040 Heal

Final Pulse Burning (2 stacks) (3s): 886 Damage

Final Pulse Might (8 stacks) (6s): 240 Condition Damage, 240 Power [(4 stacks)(8s) in WvW and PvP.]

Application Interval: 1 second

Pulse: 4

Number of Targets: 5

Radius: 360

Range: 1,200


3. Reconnaissance: Recruitment. Summon a scout to fight on your side. Scout will always follow you, stay around you, and stab an enemy within the range each interval, prioritising your target.

(Scout will always be a Sylvari Female with dagger as main-hand weapon.)

1 sec AT

Scout Follow Radius: 360


(Scout Skill:

Stab: Stab your enemy with Dagger. Scout will not attack if there’s no enemy within her follow range.

Damage: 480 (0.2)

Range: 130

Intervel: 3 seconds


Every third attack, she will stab enemy with a poisonous dagger.

Malicious Stab: Poison your enemy with a powerful strike.

Damage: 500 (0.24) [250 (0.15) in WvW and PvP.]

Poison (3s): 101 Damage, -33% Heal Effectiveness

Radius: 130)


(Subsequent Skill)

No More Secret: Command scout to shadowstep to the area, reveal all targets and launch them with an exposing trap. (The trap arms instantly.) When she returns, grant all nearby allies boons. Scout will be dismissed after this.

0.5 sec AT, 25 sec CD

Damage: 300 (0.2) [3 (0.01) in WvW and PvP]

Vulnerability (10 Stacks) (6s): +10% Incoming Damage, +10% Incoming Condition Damage

Revealed (6s): You cannot stealth.

Launch: 0

Swiftness (12s): +33% Movement Speed

Quickness (6s): Skills and actions are faster. [Might (2 stack) (12s) in WvW, Quickness (3s) in PvP.]

Number of Targets: 5

Trap Trigger Radius: 180

Trap Attack Radius: 240

Boon Radius: 360

Defiance Break: 232

Range: 1,200


4.Life Reaper: Recruitment. Summon a sniper to provide extra firepower. Sniper will always follow you, stay around you, and shoot an enemy within the range each interval, prioritising your target.

(Sniper will always be a Human Female with rifle as two-handed weapon.)

1 AT

Sniper Follow Radius: 360


(Sniper Skill:

Concentrated Shot: Shoot your enemy from a distance. Sniper will not attack if there’s no enemy within her attack range.

Damage: 380 (0.2)

Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile (20% chance)

Range: 1200

Intervel: 3 seconds


Every third attack, she will shoot enemies with a piercing shot.

Heart Piercing: Shoot a piercing shoot which can cause serious bleeding.

Damage: 160 (0.2)

Bleeding (2 stacks) (2s): 88 Damage

Number of Targets: 3

Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile (20% chance)


Range: 1200)


(Subsequent Skill)

Good Night:  Command sniper to shoot a lethal bullet which deals extreme damage to a foe, deals extra damage against foes ABOVE the health threshold, and inflicts excruciating bleeding against foes BELOW the health threshold. Sniper will be dismissed after this.

0.5 sec AT, 20 sec CD

Damage: 850 (1.8) [680 (1.44) in WvW and PvP.]

Damage Against High-Health Foes: 1275 (2.7) [1020 (2.0) in WvW and PvP.]

Health Threshold: 50%

Bleeding (2 stacks) (12s): 528 damage

Bleeding Against Low-Health Foes (10 stacks) (6s): 1320 damage

Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile (20% chance)

Range: 1200


Elite Skill

Liberator: Recruitment. Summon an experienced soldier as your Deputy to provide comprehensive support for your team. Deputy will always follow you, stay around you, and slash an enemy within the range each interval, prioritising your target.

(Deputy will always be the same race and gender with the caster, and equip greatsword as two-handed weapon)

1 sec AT

Deputy Follow Radius: 360


(Deputy Skill:

Heavy Cut: Slash your foes with the great sword. Deputy will not attack if there is no enemy within the follow range.

Damage: 460 (0.2)

Number of Targets: 3

Range: 180

Intervel: 3 seconds


Every third attack, Deputy will use a heavy attack which interrupt foes.

Heroic Slash: Damage and daze your foes with a heavy slash.

Damage: 580 (0.25) [240 (0.05) in WvW and PvP.]

Daze: 0.25 sec

Number of Targets: 3

Defiance Break: 100

Range: 180)


(Subsequent Skill)

To Soldiers: Command Deputy to drop a banner that grants barriers and boons to allies, then heals and grants boons continuously. Deputy will be dismissed after this.

1 sec AT, 60 sec CD

Initial Barrier: 3600 (1.5) [3200 (0.8) in WvW and PvP]

Initial Stability (2 stacks) (10s): Cannot be knocked down, pushed back, pulled, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, feared, or taunted.

Healing: 350 (0.3)

Might (10s): 30 power, 30 condition damage

Fury (5s): +25% Critical Chance

Number of Targets: 5

Application Interval: 3 seconds

Duration: 15 seconds

Combo Field Duration: 3 seconds

Radius: 360

Finisher Radius: 180

Combo Field: Fire

Range: 360




Major Adept

1.      Muscular Warrior: Gain (Might (5 stacks)(10s): 150 power, 150 condition damage) when you are disabled. (20s CD) When you have enough stacks of Might (Stack threshold: 15), you gain bonus toughness (250).

2.      Power of People: Whenever your soldiers are recruited or dismissed by Recruitment Skills, you and nearby allies (Number of Targets: 5, Radius: 360) will be healed 600 (0.35) and gain (Might (12s): 30 power, 30 condition damage). (The effect is centred around the player.)

3.      Information Warfare: Revealing (6s) the enemies you disabled. (20s CD per Target.) Gain (Might (12s): 30 power, 30 condition damage) whenever you reveal an enemy. Increasing all your outgoing damage to Revealed enemies for 15%. [8% in WvW and PvP] (Revealing multiple enemy by one skill will provide more stacks of Might.)

Minor Master

Laws of Victory: When you at least 3 unique boons, your outgoing healing increases (20%) [15% in WvW and PvP]. Might you grant has increased duration (15%).

Major Master

1.      Supply Replenishment: Using a Burst skill will recharge all weapon skills (-5s). If you use a Burst skill when your adrenaline is FULL, your healing skill and elite skill will also recharge faster (-5s).

2.      Blitzkrieg Strategy: If you use a Burst skill when your adrenaline is NOT FULL your Battle Formation grants boons (Might (6s): 30 power, 30 condition damage, Quickness (2s): Skills and actions are faster.) [Quickness (1s) for WvW and PvP] per second.

3.      Secret Mission: When your Battle Formation is deactivated, remove Revealed and grant stealth (3s) to all affected allies. [Does not remove Revealed in WvW and PvP.] Your next attack in stealth will also reveal enemies (3s) and have increased critical chance (+100%). (This also triggers when you receive stealth from your allies. If your next attack in stealth has multiple targets, all the targets will be revealed.)

Minor Grandmaster

Eternal Army: Taking strike damage during combat will also grant you adrenaline. Battle Formation also heal affected allies 40 (0.04) [30 (0.02) in WvW, 30 (0.04) in PvP] per second PER STACK. (Maximum 200 (0.2) in PvE, 150 (0.1) in WvW, 150 (0.2) in PvP.)

Major Grandmaster

1.      Bulletproof: Clearing all damaging conditions on you and being invulnerable (2s) after deactivating Battle Formation. If you deactivate Battle Formation with Free Formation, the invulnerability duration will be doubled (4s).  

2.      Hierarchical Barrier: Your Battle Formation blocks the projectiles for 4 seconds. It also shields allies for 1500 (0.5) [800 (0.25) in WvW, 800 (0.5) in PvP] on activation if you use a Burst skill higher than Stage One.

3.      One Man Army: Your Battle Formation will be MINIMUM 3 stacks, regardless of currently affected allies. [5 stacks in WvW.] (Maximum is still capped at 5.) Your Battle Formation also deals 800 (0.65) damage on activation. (Radius: 360, Number of Targets: 5.)


A bit more explanation here, trait line 1 is all designed for tank or utilities, 2 is for healing and group support, 3 is more offensive. It is aimed for balance and possibilities.

Edited by Drag You Down.2615
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BTW, I am very curious. With all the information above, and some additional information I may add later on. How would you create a build with this Elite Spec, regardless of attributes from equipments? I think this is the second step of design, making it functional.

Edited by Drag You Down.2615
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3 hours ago, Drag You Down.2615 said:

Battle Formation (1 stack): +3% all outgoing damage, +2% critical chance, +3% incoming boon duration. (+15% outgoing damage, 10% critical chance and 15% incoming boon duration maximum.) [All base values reduce 1% in WvW. No increase of critical chance in PvP.]

Based on recent balance patchs, I doubt the devs would go for this kind of design. I mean they gone to great length to replace most, if not all, sharable buffs with boons, it would be surprising if they were to bring such thing back in the game with new e-specs.

Beyond that, the main issue is:

3 hours ago, Drag You Down.2615 said:

Laws of Victory: The Might applied on you also increases 30 healing power [20 healing power in WvW and PvP] per stack. (750 [500] maximum)

This trait would push all self-sustain mean of the warrior to unreasonable heights in competitive modes which would most likely lead to balance issues. Consider changing the "30/20 healing power per might stack" into a simple "1/0.5% outgoing healing per might stack" for this trait if you want something balanced.

Otherwise, outside of the fact that it's a minionmaster spec with all the disavantages of such spec making such spec uterly useless in WvW, the whole idea isn't bad.

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Feels like a warrior equivalent of necromancer minions. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, just be aware that it will probably have the same pros and cons.

One thing worth considering is that technology does exist for summons to match the race of the summoner (Thieves' Guild being a prominent example), so the summons always being specific races is probably unnecessary. Instead, a better approach might be for each summon to be of the race of the summoner, but have distinct outfits so you can see at a glance which is which.

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1 minute ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

One thing worth considering is that technology does exist for summons to match the race of the summoner (Thieves' Guild being a prominent example), so the summons always being specific races is probably unnecessary. Instead, a better approach might be for each summon to be of the race of the summoner, but have distinct outfits so you can see at a glance which is which.

That is purely for cosmetics and thematic, I was thinking that, using the figures of different races may bring a feeling of gathering ppl together. I was also thinking about using races outside of playable races, like Tengu, Kodan as alternatives. 

But thank you for your reply and thank you for spending you time reading so many words XD

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6 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

This trait would push all self-sustain mean of the warrior to unreasonable heights in competitive modes which would most likely lead to balance issues. Consider changing the "30/20 healing power per might stack" into a simple "1/0.5% outgoing healing per might stack" for this trait if you want something balanced.

Thank you so much for fixing this. It is a really good advice. I think I should take it.

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1 hour ago, Drag You Down.2615 said:

That is purely for cosmetics and thematic, I was thinking that, using the figures of different races may bring a feeling of gathering ppl together. I was also thinking about using races outside of playable races, like Tengu, Kodan as alternatives. 

But thank you for your reply and thank you for spending you time reading so many words XD

Figured that's what you were going for, and it does work when the player is acting as the Pact Commander specifically, but I think leaving it as the summoner's race gives people more leeway to decide for themselves who their character is when they're not being the Pact Commander. For instance, charr players might enjoy actually being able to lead a warband, possibly in Drizzlewood Coast as part of the charr civil war, but that works best if all the summons are charr.

Edited by draxynnic.3719
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I like the idea.

The concept that warriors could and should direct the flow of battle would only be natural seeing as we have an actual trait line for tactics. And one of the defenitions of tactics is:

"the art of disposing armed forces in order of battle and of organizing operations, especially during contact with an enemy."
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