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[Spoiler] Restore the wizards tower - need help with one bastion key (strength)

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hi there,

i'm in the tower since 1 hour now and don't get the riddle for the last key.

When I start the "Trial of Strength" the conditions kills me faster then I can heal with [1].

I also can't use the Mursaat Armor and dont't find any hint.

Please help with a little hint 🙂 I dont' want to restart this story.


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6 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

its the same trick as the toxic hog in auric basin, you have to wait until 75% health to use the skill for the first time then set it to autocast.

It's not quite the same. It's much more forgiving, but not if you have a fully outfitted cdps character. In that case you have to strip before attempting it.

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5 hours ago, Jajo.1428 said:

It's not quite the same. It's much more forgiving, but not if you have a fully outfitted cdps character. In that case you have to strip before attempting it.

I did it on cnd ele without stripping. Just jackal shield at start and then moving character (coz of torment dmg) and using healing on cd, starting around 80% hp. But that was close to death. So it isnt mandatory, just much easier.

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