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What we were promised vs what we got.

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When Anet announced all the new stuff they were adding to the game with the expansion I was excited because the reasons they gave were, for the most part, reasonable and sounded like the changes would offer more choices, leading to a bigger variety of builds and different ways to enjoy the game. What they released is restrictive and feels like they are annoyed that people are playing the game wrong so they need to take the `wrong' things away to force them onto the `right' path.

Removing the rune's 6th bonus and placing it in a relic sounds awesome. There have been a number of times where I've had to choose between a rune set with useful stats and a meh bonus, or the wrong stats and a great bonus. Being able to mix and match would be great, in theory. The way they implemented it was to remove most of the bonuses and replace them with very weak, and very conditional effects. If they had just transferred over the bonuses to relics then most people would have been happy. They could have released the new bonuses as well and then everyone would have been happy. There is talk of releasing more relics over time but we don't know if any of the old bonuses will come back, nor when it will happen.

The wizard's vault system gives a choice of rewards, and goals to work towards long term, which is great. How they went about it is pointlessly complex and removes choice. What is the advantage of selecting which game mode to draw the dailies from over the next week? Why is that better than just giving us all of them and allowing us to choose? Why are pinned dailies separate from regular pinned achievements? Why do I have to have one or the other? How does that help anyone?

Why drop the reward from 2 gold to 1? Was an extra gold making that much of a difference in the economy?

Why remove WvW and PvP potions? I participated in those game modes because of the potions. Now I have zero desire to play them. Do you really want your changes to give players less reasons to participate in a game mode?

Between this and the 'balance' patches (still mad about how they ruined Burning Speed and Earthen Rush) I'm losing any desire to play the game, which is a shame as I've played it and GW1 for many years.

Anet REALLY needed to have more betas, for each of the major changes, not just for the weaponmaster training. If they had beta tested the log-in's and the relics, or even had a Q and A so that players could communicate the issues before they committed to the changes, then a lot of the outrage would have been avoided.

I doubt anyone from Anet is reading this but just in case they are, please rethink your changes. What you promised was awesome, what we got was terrible (and fix Burning Speed and Earthen Rush :-) ).

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I think the relics are garbage. complete and total. I lost the main benefit of my leggie runes because of them with a "promise" that there will be a leggie relic sometime next year (if you can even call it a promise) and the main runes I used don't even have a 6th slot bonus equivalent in relics. That's what pisses me off the most. The removal of 1 gold from the daily... that's just odd. I make money off the TP with no problem my wife on the other hand does the daily religiously every day for that 2 gold and barely has 10 gold at any given time. She's furious about that change.

As far as the potion change. I think that's just downright stupid, they increased the reward track progress that you get from the vials of instant progress from WvW from 25 to 250 so cool good for WvW but mainly affects persons that are already higher level while leaving new players screwed. but in PvP they now give us 2 instant progress pots at level up compared to the 4-6 (for a total of 2000-3000) from dailies. PvP got wholly screwed. soooo.... yay my preferred mode gets screwed again for like the 20th time

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