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Chrono dagger help


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Hi was planning to go power chrono with dagger/shield and sword/focus for fractals and raids, i'm going with mosty assassin gear but dont know how if i could go better, plus dont know which relict to use and dont know good rotation for that never played power chrono before, 

Any help will be seen nicelly^^

Edited by Asek.1869
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My advice is to ditch the Shield. It just doesn't work with Chronomancer.

Just use the offhand Sword. Or ditch the sword and do Dagger/Focus and Greatsword and be 100% Ranged.

There is only one thing to do with Chrono... SPAM THOSE PHANTASMS. It doesn't matter if you're aiming for DPS, or providing boons. Phantasms are where you'll be spending 90% of your focus.


There is only one viable healing skill and you'll never heal yourself with it. Signet of the Ether's only use is resetting your Phantasm skills so you can use them again.

You'll probably use both Well of Calamity and Gravity Well. And you'll always be using your Continuum Shift to be able to cast an extra phantasm again and those two Wells.

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I think you'll want Precision to get the Crit rate up.

I think we'll have to see what people who have worked to optimize the build say... For instance Snowcrows.

But I'd go with Runes of the Eagle or Infiltration. 


I assume the Runes of the Scholar are more expensive and would be much harder to get decent Crit Chance.

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Chrono gets the majority of its damage from Phantasms so the passive defensive Phantasm on the shield really kills it's use for Chrono.

I REALLY hope Anet will give Chronomancer the tools to be a defensive support but judging from the direction the current balance team has shown I think the chance of that happening are close to 0.

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But for using the build I think:

Top priority, spam Phantasms as many times as you can and find the most gimmicky ways to reset them as much as possible. Try to figure out how to cast phantasms 5 times in a row by resetting cooldowns with Continuum Split and Signet of the Ether.

Second Priority use Dagger 2 and 3 off cooldowns. To generate clones and DPS.

Use Wells off cooldown.

Well of Calamity and Gravity Well are the most damaging Wells. Well of Action and Well of Senility are both good DPS and are equal to Mantra of Pain.

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Mesmer in general require you to do what every one mentioned.   Mesmer dps on full power which crits 2-6k per skill, so it’s about having them all hit at once for spike dmg.   Phantasms have a telegraphed animation and delay before they spawn and hit.   So lining up phant casting time with insta cast skills at the same time.   This doesn’t work well unless you key bind everything.   A second too long on a skill click can break the whole rotation and deflate your dps.   Rotation literally will take 3 seconds at most cycling through 5-10 skills at once.

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