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Trade Contracts for accounts without PoF

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I have PoF on my main account, but not yet on my two alt accounts. With today's update we can now consume keys and such which will go in our wallets and while I was moving those keys to the wallet, I figured while I was at it I'd move the Trade Contracts I got out of Black Lion chest guaranteed material boxes into the wallet. However, there is no entry for TCs in this account's wallet. No doubt because it doesn't have PoF unlocked yet. However, I have no idea if those TCs have just gone into the ether or if they're just hidden and will show up whenever I get PoF hooked up to that account.

Was less than 50 contracts, so not a big deal if they've gone poof, but it seems this shouldn't be possible. Since the BLC's guaranteed material loot box is general for all players, with or without PoF, it should be modified to either give players without PoF some alternate currency/item they can actually use (probably the best option, since there's no guarantee any given account will ever opt to get PoF) or at least have the wallet show the entry for Trade Contracts even if they can't be used until PoF is installed. As it is, there are loose ends hanging.

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  • 5 months later...

Accounts should never get unusable drops. I've recently been bitten by the Trade-Contracts-from-BL-Chest bug Kruhljak.2705 mentions. Hey Anet, up-front thanks for a fix - it shouldn't be too hard to implement this particular game logic.

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Five and a half months and still no fix? I had forgotten about this bug, haven't bought PoF (based on my dissatisfaction with HoT, why should I?), got a key from the level 10 personal story that yielded trade contracts and double-clicked them. Gone. No place where they could go in wallet. WTF Anet? As Elder.1873 said, this should not be happening. I'm not asking that these be replaced by something else, but all players should see the contracts in the wallet even if they don't have the currency unlocked by PoF ownership. Otherwise, you are ripping off your players who buy keys. And the natural response to such a situation is (at best) players top buying keys because they don't want to be ripped off, or (at worst) players abandon the game because no one wants to play a game that rips them off. Seeing a currency in the wallet that they can't use until they buy PoF might actually press more players into buying PoF. But I guess that's too logical for Anet.

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