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Legendary Achievements: Pre-SotO gathered Components don't count for the new collection

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Pre SotO I gathered the Gift of Exploration and Gift of Battle which are now needed for the newly added Legendary Weapon achievements. Today I bought the Quip Starter Kit and got the items for Quip, Gift of Quip, Icy Runestone, Gift of Wood, Gift o Entertainment and Gift of Might.

But I didn't got credit for already having the Gift of Battle and Gift of Exploration.
Screenshot attached: Quip Collection left, Gift of Battle and Exploration right

Edited by Arcaynas.3098
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Same happened to me. I found out that you can take credit for whatever was stored in Material Storage before the achievement like ectos and mystic clovers. Just take them out from there. But, for things that are stored in the bank or your inventory and are not mats, things that you have to craft or get in other ways (reward track, map completion, ...), well, it won't give credit until you craft them/get them again.

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28 minutes ago, Alester.7063 said:

At leas to me these Achivememts look mlre like a Checklinst than anything else, as you don't get amything for doing them.

I suspect they may be part of the new crafting system that is bugged and currently disabled.  xD

It's kind of good to have these as collections because the game hasn't really been very transparent in the past with regards to what you need to create the Gen1 legendary weapons.

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5 hours ago, Weru.5203 said:

Real PIA that the Gift of Exploration is bugged and you basically have to earn another one for it to count. Ones earned pre-expansion do work for making the components though.

It will get fixed at some point, but I still fail to see what's the big deal. You do NOT get the Legy for doing the Achive and you do NOT get any AP for doing the Aviche. You still have to craft the Legy the same way as before, by putting these items into the Mystic Forge. All you get, for doing the Achive, is a completed Achive, if it does not reset after crafting the Legy, what it kinda should do, cause else it would be kinda strange since like 80-90% of all the Legy Acives are the same items.

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34 minutes ago, Alester.7063 said:

It will get fixed at some point, but I still fail to see what's the big deal. You do NOT get the Legy for doing the Achive and you do NOT get any AP for doing the Aviche. You still have to craft the Legy the same way as before, by putting these items into the Mystic Forge. All you get, for doing the Achive, is a completed Achive, if it does not reset after crafting the Legy, what it kinda should do, cause else it would be kinda strange since like 80-90% of all the Legy Acives are the same items.

exactly you literally gain nothing from these achieves. 0 ap, 0 gold, 0 reward of any kind. I don't understand why people would be bothered about it being bugged.

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