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Some realy good Warr Builds for Warr enjoyers


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Here are some lovely newish builds for the ones that wana try them:

Open World


Power Greatsword/Dagger,Pistol Berserker

Condi Longbow/Sword,Torch Berserker



Power Hammer/Dagger,Axe Spellbraker



Power Axe/Pistol Bladesworn




Power Greatsword/Axe,Sword Berserker

Condi Longbow/Mace,Sword Berserker

Power Hammer/Mace,Sword Berserker



Power Greatsword/Dagger,Sword Spellbraker

Power Greatsword/Dagger, Shield Spellbraker

Power Hammer/Dagger, shield Spellbraker



Power Axe/Pistol Bladesworn

Power Axe/Warhorn Bladesworn


Instanced PvE (Raids n stuff)


Condi Longbow/Sword,Torch Berserker

Condi Quick Longbow/Sword,Torch Berserker

Power Greatsword/Axe,Axe Berserker



Power Hammer/Dagger,Axe Spellbraker



Power Axe/Pistol Bladesworn

Power Alac Axe/Pistol Bladesworn





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Celestial Spellbreaker is better than berserker/marauder in PvE ? Is additional condition duration/boon duration really worth it? Condirion duration would matter only for vulnerability, but its only source is sigil or frailty which only really works on bosses...

Edited by difens.1326
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@difens.1326 U use celestial for more boon uptime/HP/armory/self healing basicly so you could say its for more Defence but also better Fury, might uptime to hold the 25 stacks of might and stability to gain the 10% dmg buff^^. Yes the condi dmg and duration buff is not that needed but there are simply not better stat combs yet ^^

EDIT: there are some ways to Play it also with zerker/assassine Stats Mix but you would loose the things i said above^^. Letz say its the best build to solo every openworld stuff 

Edited by Myror.7521
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