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[Slicing Maelstrom] F*cking Sucks


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So, I'm actually of the quite unpopular opinion that Warrior didn't get as boned by the Weaponmaster Training people seem to think. Yes it completely destroyed the lore perspective & I really think they should add back-hand burst skills especially if they're going to keep all the new shared off-hands as redundant in melee-dps design-space as they are.

Regardless of what you think about WM Training tho [Slicing Malestrom] (aka the Berserker F1) f*cking sucks, and is objectively worse than the regular F1 in every way.

 + It's not unlockable. The base one is.

 + It travels less far than the base F1.

 + It does less damage, even with the power boost from Berserk mode.

 + It's after-cast is horrendous & nearly doubles the listed 1/2s cast time.

 + It removes as few (2) or fewer (2 < 3, or 4) boons than the base F1. With basically no additional benefit.

+ The only "benefit" it has is: It hits 5 targets for no reason*, (there is a reason. It's just incredibly stupid considering they just copied the thief skill,) considering that every other SB dagger attack hits 1 or 2.

 + Does nothing else additional, despite being a Primal Burst skill.

  edit: It's also not even a Leap Finisher nor a Whirl Finisher like the OG Death Blossom. Whoever put Leap on the Wiki was on crack.


My favorite pare about all of this (and this is sarcasm for you stumps btw) is that ANet always asks for "All this feedback" regarding their betas. And every single time takes all of the Warrior feedback & throws it into a fire. Meanwhile Ranger gets sh*t like this and this, because the new guy they hired plays / likes ranger. No one, absolutely no one, on their balance team gives even the remotest sh*t about making Warrior fun. Yes it's good. But whenever it's "good" it's always "good" for idiotic reasons. See: How broken Relic of Akeem is with Zerker mace F1 because the daze happens AFTER the confusion application, or how incredibly busted traits like [Unshakable Mountain] carry Bladesworn's literally non-functional kit of Gunsaber skills that all glitch out in different ways, go different ranges, and Dragon Triggers that just fail.

++ How they keep adding 2-handed Band-Aids like Gunsaber (and now staff) to avoid addressing holes in Warrior's kit. Like it's ~20 unusable traits, most of the weapon skills, or how it DESPRATELY needs NOT ANOTHER 2H WEAPON, BUT A MAIN HAND MID-RANGE WEAPON.

ANet, or just Colin if you're listening, considering you once-upon-a-time liked Warrior, lord knows I've bought enough gems to almost single-handedly fund this, but PLEASE, for the love of God, hire someone who understands how Warrior systems are supposed to work together & who gives a sh*t about making the class FUN again. This is completely embarrassing.

Edited by FShoppe.6572
It's also not a Leap Finisher. TIL
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And when they kitten up with staff cause it will not save healer warr:

1) Those who wanted healer warr will go back into the same process of criticising it for improvement which will never happen (heal warr is a failure)

2) Those who do not care about healer warr, will have an empty, uninteresting new core weapon

We all lose in the end, that's how it goes.

As for Primal Dagger, who in their right mind would even use it since you can play SpB for potent boonrip and SpB got annihilated anyway, so boonrip warr is as practical and existent as heal warrior at this point. 

For solo, Berserker will use dagger only for core bursts, as you said, with Primals for the second set. Maelstrom was their way of "balancing" the warrior boonrip produced in zergs imo. So they nerfed spb, slapped a 5 cap on Maelstrom and indirectly say "look guys, you can now also strip on zerker too!".

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