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(US) Gold 2 is the new normal


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21 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

The mean, median and mode are all the same thing in a normal distribution.

You keep saying that it's not, but that's based on... what, exactly? You, someone who quit the game an eternity ago, saying so?
All that's happened is the bell curve has shrunk, and the tails have shrunk (ie there's less/possibly zero people at the far ends of bronze 1 and legend). It hasn't shifted to suddenly make silver the middle. Matchmaking struggles to put together quality matches because it has to grab players across a wider band of ratings more often, that's it.

False. It is the top that has shrunk. (aka platinum and legend) This situation ends up pushing the remaining upper half of players to the lower half. Also, it is far easier to end up in silver/bronze than in platinum due to inexperience, lack of skill or rating decay. Players end up in the lower divisions at a faster rate than upper ones, even with gold as the "statistical center". The system trends downward.

22 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

Serious question here:
You hate the mmo genre, you hate this game, you apparently quit years ago.
Why do you even still come to this website? That's pathetic lol
Can't imagine thinking about something I hate that often.

I come here because it is a great source of comedy gold that is posted daily. Such as posts like yours!

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