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No Credit weekly for "Complete Dragon's Stand meta event" [Merged]

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I joined a Dragon's Stand map when it opened, completed Events in the west lane, got max participation and we killed the dragon. Granted, we were really fast. I think two or three attack phases were enough. But I didn't receive any progress in the wizard's vaut.

Later I joined another map that were almost at the commander, joined the middle lane and completed some events for 60% participation I think. Then we killed the dragon and I got credit in the wizards vault.

Some other players also complained about it not counting or trying for the fourth time already.

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As a side-note: "complete meta event" to me sounds like it should also be fullfilled if the meta event failed.
Maybe change it to include a "successfully"? Or does completing by failure also give the reward?

On one hand, requiring to finish the meta successfully for the weekly achievement sounds a bit harsh (much playtime for full meta or high risk for failure at later joining).
On the other hand, joining 3 minutes before maps are closing to get the achievement for a failed meta sounds pretty cheap.

To bring it more in line with the "defeat great jungle worm in Caledon forest" weekly, I would propose changing it to something like "complete 5 events counting for meta progression in Dragon's Stand".

Edited by Dediggefedde.4961
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1 hour ago, Dediggefedde.4961 said:

As a side-note: "complete meta event" to me sounds like it should also be fullfilled if the meta event failed.
Maybe change it to include a "successfully"? Or does completing by failure also give the reward?

I'm pretty sure they mean successfully.  It definitely could use some clearer language.  It would also be nice to consistently grant credit for the weekly when you get the meta choice chest from the end after defeating the Mouth of Mordremoth. 

If there's some additional criteria beyond that, they should to be stated.

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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to No Credit weekly for "Complete Dragon's Stand meta event" [Merged]

I did the dragon stand meta on 2 different accs yesterday. 2 different classes 200% participation. 3 times. No credit for the weekly

Was not dead or in the air and was on an island and in a squad. Today I tried again and yet again no credit of the weekly.

Have sent in ticket to anet. Come on anet this is time sink whats going on ? So far have done this event 4 times

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17 hours ago, who want blood.8765 said:

and were all of you mounted upon event completion? i know some collections such as Nevermore only counts dragon stand meta completed if you are not mounted before the cutscene. 

I didn't have that problem when I did Nevermore. Also, I've done DS on two accounts this week, one was mounted during end cutscene, one not, neither got credit for weekly, both got normal meta credit.

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