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One Wolf Pack needs nerfs in WvW too.


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On 9/12/2023 at 12:17 PM, Riba.3271 said:


was in last patch notes. You can increase the duration for all I care, but reduce the burst please. There is just nothing skillful about elite being almost all the damage.

So they took a build welcome in havocs but not in squads and removed zerg busting aspects from it to allow more boonball play after they still reduced anti-boon prior. So zerg boon or go home I see. Boonball my friend is also not skillful play nor is zerg play. I think we both lost here.

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5 hours ago, BLANK.4972 said:

I was the IOJ ranger who made this build you're welcome. Farmed lots of dumb zerg players who think tank builds are best builds. Classes need set in stone roles or you'll never have true balance. Rather than nerf everything and have the meta shift every few months and cause new problems... oh wait that's job security.

Welcome to the forums! Um, I think there are a lot rangers that can read skills and theory craft out there though. Soulbeasts have been grouping since release to act together to best gain Soulbeast benefits and benefit Havocs since they weren't welcome in squads. This seems more like a squad was zerg-busted and the Havoc had some SB together aiding the assault but all the zerg could see was that the otherside had non-meta builds in play and cried wolf.


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On 9/12/2023 at 10:03 PM, Ferus.3165 said:

people just want anything nerfed... one wolf pack in wvw is perfectly fine. it's so easy to avoid for any class except maybe necro. When a ranger uses sic'em on you it's a dead giveaway of what is going to follow next. Hopefully anet does not give in to these baseless nerf requests.

It seems to me that Anet should limit the creation of new topics per person to a maximum of two topics per subforum per month. Otherwise, some individuals will generate an excessive number of topics in the forum, all of which should be nerfed. 

P.S. Nerf gravity as well! 😄

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