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Wizard Vault - Help you solve problem


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It would seem to me that currently you have players who are @ different stages of the game. 
It would also seem that these players do not know or don't want to know because it is not their problem to know there are players in different stages of the game.

You will not find a method where everyone will be happy with what you offer in the wizard vault.
too long I don't want to write it story and here is the solution

Lay out a list of 20 tasks each for daily and weekly spread across Tyria including stuffs new player can complete, and veteran can come help them, Remembering each player only need to complete 4 tasks to get the daily and 6 for weekly, but if they continue to play and are able to do the remaining tasks they get more astral reward points. 

^^ this is win win, you let the new players able to complete their tasks, populate the maps, and players who make more effort gets more reward. 

All you have to do is remove the astral reward points cap. 

Last but not least, build it and they will come works here, if you give more astral points players will play non stop, I know I definitely will.

Edited by babana.7521
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I agree on adding more possible dailies and weeklies, but by upping the total amount of Astral Aclaim people can achieve this will create an inflation of the currency in the eyes of ANet and thus forcing them to also increase the prices charged in the vault.

This will now force you to complete more dailies and weeklies for the same value of items.

And since new players can't complete the objectives made for later in game, they will now be effectively gaining less Astral compared to the other players, while the other players instead have to work much harder to gain the same amount as before...

So the only logical solution to me would be to add more dailies and weeklies, but capping the Astral Acclaim at what is currently the maximum.

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A big reason not to keep giving AA for every task over the cap is that then people feel they "have to" do all the tasks because otherwise they're missing out.  This was a prime factor in the original dailies revamp that limited daily credit to 3 tasks.  I was a bit surprised to see they give extra AA for doing all five dailies now, because of course unless there's a bugged out mess of a task players are going to feel driven to do all five in order to scrape up that last 10 AA.

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43 minutes ago, Emberheart.8426 said:

Or they can just give you tasks based on which expansions your character has been in. For example, treat your account as an HoT and PoF only account if you haven't been to EoD and SotO yet, even if you own all the expansions.

that would mean, players who don't have expansion will never get help since everyone is doing their own thing on other maps.

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