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no exalted boots skin? any idea to find something that match the "set"?


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1 hour ago, RoseofGilead.8907 said:

I'm fairly certain the boots (and other pieces) will be available to buy after this round of rewards is done. As for what matches right now, I'm not sure.

Ehm... you know that Exalted are floating people with no feet, right? 😅

1 hour ago, zitounae.4803 said:

Hi fellows :=)

As the title said. I found myself using both shoulders and arms skins they pretty nice, but was surprise to see there s no boots option ? A bit disappointed....😞  any input about a skin that would match ish the other two pieces in term of fashion war? 

Etherbound Greaves maybe?

Edited by hash.8462
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