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Manasa Devi.7958

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  1. At least twice actually. There was also a time when you needed a certain WvW rank. I can't remember the details and the wiki talk page on the subject seems to be truncated.
  2. They have changed it several times actually. At one time you could buy a GOB with badges of honor, few enough that the badges from AP reward chests were enough.
  3. The weird thing is, in SAB, it only happens during the end-of-zone countdown. I can go afk anywhere else, have a bathroom break and make some coffee, come back 10 minutes later and continue where I left off. A 30 second countdown though... discoonects me EVERY kitten TIME. Yes, it's probably the same issue as the cutscene disconnects. Given that being idle is only a problem in these specific cases, I can't help thinking this is a bug. A very old one that's overdue for a fix.
  4. I noticed that absolutely 100% of the time, when I finish a zone in SAB and just stand around waiting for the timer to run out, I get disconnected. I have to play the flute or dig up baubles/bunnies in order to stay connected.
  5. I find it a bit weird that they change the account to a new email address without verifying that first. Nothing to add really, waiting is all you can do for now.
  6. They could just change character model and voice, unequiping all racial equipment, but leaving everything else the same. Yes, it would create weird nonsensical situations and NPC conversations, but people who'd buy a race change are probably not into role playing anyway and wouldn't mind any weirdness. Yes, you could see a norn using sylvari racial skills, but who cares? Only alliw it after completing the personal story to avoid some of the weirdness.
  7. Some skin variety would be nice so I can finally give my mech a nicer name. "Big stupid Eyesore" although appropriate, isn't very nice.
  8. I generally dislike armor/outfits looks in GW2. I always go for the least offensive look I can manage. I don't like how any of my character's look, but they sure look better than most others I run into.
  9. I'm guessing we'll need purified kryptis essences and one would expect obsidian armors to use a bit more actual obsidian than the tier 1 version does.
  10. I hope it does get to look a bit more luminous. I have the heavy version, dyed with bright colors in the "highlight" channels that contrast nicely with a darker base color. That is, as long as I'm in brightly lit areas. In low light environments though, it just looks drab, almost no contrast remains. It also has a bit of a plastic look to it, where I'd hoped for a bit more of a metallic sheen. Very disappointing, I don't even use the skin on characters I actually play, I just have it equipped on a parked character.
  11. I guess it's my play style, but I've never had too few mastery points at any point. You can just spend the ones you're saving and earn more to have ready by the time you're ready to start on a new mastery track. There are many more points available than you need to max everything. It makes sense to me to lock masteries for mounts you don't have yet. How can you master a thing you haven't even done once, excepting rentals.
  12. Three mystic coins per day for a week is a lot better than what we got for the previous "return to" events. Except for the original run of course.
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