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Immobilize stacks and druid trait "Blood Moon" behavior

Crystal Paladin.3871

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druid  "Blood Moon" trait(inflict bleeding when u immobilize enemies) has 8 seconds of internal cooldown ...

will using (20sec CD)"Glyph of alignment" 1stack of immobilize and some bleeding(3stacks for 16 seconds) be more condi dps (or)

activating (30sec CD)"Signet of wild" 4stack of immobilize inflict more condi dps?

will bloodmoon trigger bleeding for every stack of immobilize or just one instance of immob until the internal cooldown is refreshed?

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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Is this for PvE or competitive?

If competitive, I wouldn't take either signet or glyph--instead, take another stun break.  As the glyph is one of the worse ones and you don't need the Ferocity from the signet at all on a condi build--guess niche case is if you are trying to run cele Druid, but I find that's too thin on stat spread.

For me, Druid cDPS is all about control, and they've nerfed immob too much for it to be the primary source anymore--Blood Moon doesn't come close to what Ancient Seeds was.   

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6 hours ago, Micah.3789 said:

Blood Moon bleed duration was reduced from 8 to 5 sec. So Glyph of Alignment now causes a total of 35sec of bleed (base) on a 20sec CD, while Signet of the Wild is 40sec on a 30 sec CD.

I was thinking when was it nerfed and turns out it was a shadow nerf that I missed, so you are right. 
Also Glyph has 1/2s cast, so it's faster too.

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