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Returning Thief main after a 3 year break. Can anyone fill me in on how the game has changed?


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A lot of things have changed for instance we're getting weapon Master if you have the Soto expansion which allows you to use any of the weapons from the elite specializations of the class or playing without having to specialize into that Elite specialization. Other than that we've gotten some of nerfs and Deadeye has group quickness Daredevil doesn't have group really anything and specter has group alacrity. There have been a few adjustments quality of life improvements here and there. But just a heads up be aware that the class itself still feels niche as opposed to other classes which seem to be able to do everything Thief does but better. One major Nerf on the Dead Eye is that shadow meld no longer removes revealed in competitive which is a big bummer because it seems like a useless skill now. Consider joining Eck for catch UPS

Edited by Lithril Ashwalker.6230
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4 hours ago, FrancisN.9276 said:

Daredevil can be power dps or condi dps. Deadeye can be dps, quick dps or quick heal (scepter + pistol). Specter can be dps, alac dps or alac heal. Overall, the thief can play a bit of everything but is average in all of them.

actually deadeye can condi very well, its the top most tier available right now. check Lord Hizens videos

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12 hours ago, Lithril Ashwalker.6230 said:

A lot of things have changed for instance we're getting weapon Master if you have the Soto expansion which allows you to use any of the weapons from the elite specializations of the class or playing without having to specialize into that Elite specialization. Other than that we've gotten some of nerves and Deadeye has group quickness Daredevil doesn't have group really anything and specter has group alacrity. There have been a few adjustments quality of life improvements here and there. But just a heads up be aware that the class itself still feels niche as opposed to other classes which seem to be able to do everything Thief does but better. One major Nerf on the Dead Eye is that shadow meld no longer removes revealed in competitive which is a big bummer because it seems like a useless skill now. Consider joining Eck for catch UPS

So far, teef seems to be balanced quite a bit better than it was when I went on break. Just starting to do some competitive today, and so far it feels pretty good, at least for my oddball mostly-melee DE build. Definitely liking the new relic system and the way they have the Thief spec traits atm. Looks like I came back at a good time. 🙂

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