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Is Distortion/Invulns healthy?


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On 11/14/2023 at 1:27 PM, Flowki.7194 said:

Rofl that was not a default scenario of necro, not even close. Im telling you straight, if you primary my necro teamate in avg level play (90% of games) while im on power chrono or glass ele, im laughing at you all the way to top kills and/or damage. Both of those specs cant handle group pressure, yet both pump out far better applied burst at range than necro. Do the math man, you really think free casting necros are the worse case scenario?

Oh I forgot about this post and you. That's how much you or this topic really means. But uh, hmm where did I say they are worse case scenario? I just said letting them free cast AOE/condis/cc isn't a good idea. Eh how bout you do the math.

Edited by porkchopMCgee.6193
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