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any way to make clones focus current target


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7 hours ago, Eddie.9143 said:

clone AI is mad dumb, can you guys patch it so they at least run to shatter your current target?

Clones are working as intended. It's not the AI is dumb(well okay the AI is dumb), it's that you don't understand it.

Clones are directly tied to their target on creation. The literally live and die on that target and they do not have any kind of perception or self preservation outside of that target. THis is how clones have always been. SO when you tell them to shatter, they will shatter on the target they have been created to fight. Generally speaking this isn't a problem since most clone skills required you to have a target in the first place to generate a clone, which leads me to believe you're probably using the Signet of Illusions, which will create its own clones. Now a clone cannot be created without a target, even with the signet active, so the game will designate the target automatically and it may not be the target you want. It might be a hostile target, it might be a neutral target like a deer, or it might even be ambient target like a rabbit. And so if you shatter they're going to go for their designated target whether that was assigned by you or the engine. This is not a bug, this is how they are hard coded.

What you need to do is understand how they work and THEN use that to your advantage. If you want to make sure that all your clones are on your target, make sure you keep all your clone generation under your control so you can pop them on your target....and then pop them on your target. Otherwise though, lean into it. Mesmers are in the unique position where we can literally fight four things at once. By spawning clones on different targets they cannot deviate from you can actually cut down the pressure in a fight by up to 75% since the AI for the enemies is equally as dumb as the clones, generally targetting whoever is doing the most damage. So if you do 0 damage to them, and your clone does 1, then  your clone will hold aggro while you deal with something else

Otherwise, as was mentioned above, the Mirage was released to deal with your exact issue. The primary mechanic of the Mirage is that they can forcefully redesignate targets for your clones, the idea being that a properly played mirage should never have to re-generate clones, carrying them through the whole fight and spamming ambushes. I'll be honest, I was never able to get that to work, but it's about the only way you'll get the effect you're looking for.

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1 hour ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

Clones are directly tied to their target on creation. The literally live and die on that target and they do not have any kind of perception or self preservation outside of that target. THis is how clones have always been. SO when you tell them to shatter, they will shatter on the target they have been created to fight. Generally speaking this isn't a problem since most clone skills required you to have a target in the first place to generate a clone, which leads me to believe you're probably using the Signet of Illusions, which will create its own clones. Now a clone cannot be created without a target, even with the signet active, so the game will designate the target automatically

This behaviour also applies to clones created out of Deceptive evasion, Self-deception or Illusionary reversion; in short, anytime they're created out of a trait or skill that doesn't directly target an enemy (got a doubt about scepter/sword offhand counters), they just head for the nearest opponent.

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