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I'm liking Arms buff


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It synergizes well with cc-based weapons which is what I play a lot and it actually gives me a reason to use Body Blow now.

Obviously Strength is still likely the main tree to choose if you play Power, but you can probably swap off Defense for Arms if you are running something that doesn't crit cap (which can happen unless you are running like full zerker Spellbreaker). By doing that, not only you now have a "lite" version of Merciless Hammer, but you basically don't need to worry about crit chance anymore thanks to Unsuspecting Foe and Burst Precision, the latter which also gives 150 Ferocity on burst skill. If for some reason though you still need that extra crit chance, Body Blow now synergizes with a trait that gives that against bleeding foes, as well as extra bleeding duration which...isn't much, but it still means more damage anyway.

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Very good changes. I only have a problem with there not being a reason to play it in pve (yet). 

All the extra presicion is nice but it's easy to crit cap anyway. 

You get so much free crit chance these days that burst Precision doesn't get you much, even on a no presicion build. And 150 Ferocity is only a nice to have bonus. 

Then there are stat combos. Again, in pvp/wvw it's awesome but what are you gonna run in pve with it? 

If we get something like Power/Ferocity/Concentration. That would make for an awesome build. 

Until then. Not something I gonna use much. 

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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Yeah I suppose there's not really much use in PvE..

But then I try using it on Condi Zerker and...it works?

I don't think it's going to be meta any time soon, but I use Arms and Strength together with Mace/X for a cc-heavy condi build. The latest buffs in Arms solves the issues of not only Adrenaline issues, but also the lack of Precision, so you can proc bleed more easily, as well as the Fire Fields, while also dealing strike damage which (assuming you run it) scales a bit with Viper stats. Because of Opportunist, you also pretty much have perma Fury, which translates to more condi dmg as well as not needing to run For Great Justice when running solo, meaning you can swap it off with something else if you need to.

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What is really annoying is about taking Arms is that the minor traits give crit chance as well.

Deep Strikes (10% crit chance vs bleeding) and

Furious Burst

Also Major traits such as Unsuspecting FoeOpportunist and Wounding Precision have same problem when combined with the new  Burst Precision


It would be nice if some of this stuff gave crit damage instead of crit chance.

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