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game direction is no fun


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On 12/9/2023 at 10:50 AM, Lighter.5631 said:

every single builds are just big aoe spam or range spam while running away, teleport spamming trying to cheese attacks in and run away

and single-target melee skills has no reward for the risks

melee skill trades and die for losing the trade don't exist

and basically, all ranked builds gameplay now are just blow all your CDs, defensives that make you invulnerable/aoe CCs/blind/stability and damage at the same time, and run away till you have all these things back up again and repeat the same thing again

consequence of mobility creep

Pretty much man. The game has turned into an extremely high APM spam fest. Use your mobility skills as fast as possible to get to your target as fast as possible so you can press your damage as fast as possible. Theres not much to think about. Half the classes can do it with stability and the other half can do damage while immune and evading. 

There isn't much nuance to GW2 anymore. Combat used to have rhythm, a perfect blend of proactive and reactive gameplay. Cooldowns were longer and timing them mattered more. There was way less resustain, boon spam, mobility. In general, the game was much slower paced, so you had to think about what you were doing. Now you just zoom in and blow your load as fast as possible. 

Too much mechanic bloat, too much class homogenization. The game is way too fast paced for your average MMO PvPer to get into.

The games still kinda fun, but peak GW2 PvP passed years ago. 

Edited by WhoWantsAHug.3186
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