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I'm missing a server voice chat

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I usually go to the server voice chat first, see if there are already groups, join the channel, ask where they are if the channel name/structure doesn't tell me and then go to wvw in game to join them.

If there are no groups in voice chat, I either go into WvW anyway (for the dailies and maybe there's tag-less fun somewhere) or do my daily pve routine first (opening chests etc).

I miss the server voice chat in the betas. I miss the community. It's only day 2 and my wvw motivation is dropping, which is normal for betas, sometimes I don't play them at all and do pve story with alt accounts. But in this beta I actually participated, I joined a wvw guild (although I'm usually happy with my server/community guild) and that guild joined an alliance with other guilds. But it's not fun. It lacks a personal component. I miss the usual people. I even miss my native language. We were linked to a server with the same native language and I loved it. Now it's just boring English again on the server.

Maybe it would get better if Anet offered (temporary) voice chats per server for betas. Then I might find a personal connection to the game again.


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