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Everything posted by RisingDawn.5796

  1. At least in the EU, the populations vary alot, along with the coverage. It's been a problem, since WSR got full and stayed that way since. In T4 EU, the reds have so much more coverage, due to chatmanders and clouds, while green and blue, might be Very high population servers, only blue has a link. Then again, people can just switch to alt accounts these days too.
  2. Yeah, i don't think vabbi was very high pop, even based on their current algorithm. Some servers had way more population, especially the last week in T1, but then some medium pop servers, are more active than others, but in this current population system, what can you do, especially when there are alts aswell? There was no population change before the relinks too, but then you see a population change a week later.
  3. I don't think the circle change, inside certain keeps and the castle is great, but also, when will they ever fix the queue bug? I'm also guessing WORLD RESTRUCTURING, different population balancing, is a long time from being fully implemented, so it is not an priority. Then you have skill lag, where it is really bad at times, even outside reset.
  4. Kodash and arborstone, are pretty dead tbh. Which person is spamming confused emoji like a weirdo, when you have five tiers in the EU, yet some links are so underpopulated as it is and people play on alts nowadays, compared to 10 years ago, before the relinks and when gearing an alt was tougher, along with some amount of server pride.
  5. They aren't stacked with their 'friends', as you called it, because it was 100+ transfers from FoW players, paying 1800 gems. It's not like 2014, where you see so server leaders send gold, to convert to gems for guilds and players to servers, especially, when we had the WvW seasons. Even as far as 2017, when the original link bandwagoning, was a thing.
  6. No, even though, I haven't enjoyed how server communities got split at times, between discords, due to Server links and other times drama.
  7. I wouldn't even say that, WSR is stacked as they used to be 3+ years ago. 100+ transfers in, it isn't all their fault at least, also FoW players spread between WSR and FR.
  8. Sadly it's not 2012-18 anymore, especially when there were, so many guilds in wvw to choose from like EXG and many more good leads, that quit who are probably better and more patient, than most leads nowadays. Even then knowing ppl in this gamemode, they transfer off, without the population of players to replace those who left, to make a server 'strong' and organized again, like how server communities rebuilt back then. All this before this whole Server Linking system begun, but drama between guilds happened, in the early years alot too, if you remember. Alot of friends or more like acquitances quit, or transferred on my main account from 2012. So calling them my friends is subjective. You can just switch servers like that, with alts and transfer away, so you end up with different leads, cliques, guilds, players, clouders and roamers, if you aren't a part of a wvw guild, who stayed active for more than 3 years. Not even EXG lasted that long.
  9. Looks like Anet is listening to your complaints and made Gandara 'very high' population. Transferring never was always, 'the grass, is greener', like 10-11 years ago, when servers were several times more populated, with stupid queues, especially compared to nowadays though.
  10. You mean like the Desert borderlands, which weren't even exclusive to HoT, when that launched?
  11. 5. The queue bug, where it kicks you back through the queue, after your queue pops.
  12. No betas since the start of February, it went back to the usual server linkings, since then.
  13. You are all on different Servers, because setting your wvw guild, is for any upcoming betas.
  14. GTA 6 REMASTERED IN 4K60FPS, ON THE PS6, will happen in the next 4-5 years. Fact is though, they don't need to rush World Restructuring, there's no competition for a niche game mode. Will Guild Wars 3 have a RvR game mode, which will see them develop for the first few years, if there is competition?
  15. FYI, it lagged in previous years before especially on EBG, before the boon strips were nerfed. In this matchup, there's been less chrono stacking, which is one cause of the lag, but not the only one, like the servers and other optimizations.
  16. EBG skill lag is back it seems, in a matchup, where i experienced none.until tonight, but.onviously the map player cap on there is higher.
  17. He just thinks random players, not in the servers community guild or main guilds, who just join squads that aren't organized on voice etc, will feel out is they would get shuffled around. So that adds to the meaningfulness of winning too, as alot of those players, don't interact with the community that much too. They might contribute, if it doesn't effect the amount of kills and points generated, but generally between this system and WR, winning won't matter, unless the rewards are better than they are, rather than server pride like 10 years ago. At least 10 years ago there was the last wvw tournament, which mattered as there were bigger core server communities.
  18. Deso has alot of players, who just cloud around, join chatmanders on EBG and they just cause queues. Although, I can understand to a degree, some will feel left out, but those players shouldn't have a problem being shuffled around. In the end, they have to make an effort, to join their community, while they can still play as a Random pug. It's just not run around on their own, with any open tag clouding, which they can do anywhere, under no server. The problem is communities, completely closed off and doing their own thing, but they are free to play how they want to play, in an more organized way, if they don't neglect the rest of the player population.
  19. It's the introduction of support Chronos , into the meta and the toning down of boon stripping/corruption, over time. So everything, boils down to the 'China' meta mostly and who can proc skills, when there is skill lag.
  20. The queue bug reoccurs multiple tines, when there are multiple queues, which are all real queues, unless less it's visually bugged. So they should be able to figure out, why it is occurring.
  21. Servers ran blobs, well before the Squad UI was a thing in wvw. Lowering player caps wouldn't resolve things, it would make queues longer, with minimal effect fixing the lag. It seems the OP was blobbing with multiple guilds, which also happens, with guilds who don't show sportsmanship and just FFA every fight, even when other guilds are fighting, which nowadays can cause skill lag too.
  22. Paying 1800 gems isn't a small amount, it just shows how ppl will spend that amount these days, but it's happened before over a decade ago, with a larger player population. It's been 10 years since the last WvW tournament, most ppl took seriously compared to the third one, so the queues were astronomical. Also, Anet does these algorithm changes now and again, but people want to make conspiracy theories. Like opening Deso+WSR to high 3 years ago, while they were winning every matchup by 100 vps for two months, made sense.
  23. Isn't there a Call of war bonus event, starting today? So the population should adjust, according to the influx of pve players in less than a week, even though that's a bad metric/measurement. You should look through Sylosi's post history too, he hates wvw and constantly posts about it negatively, not objectively, I'm not sure why he's back.
  24. Bring back the old spellbreaker WoD/bubbles, to an extent, that they aren't like early PoF. Make them channeled rather than stationary too. Stop nerfing boon strips would be a start, rather than the above, idk if they are capable of capping/shaving boon duration, but at least some things are getting nerfed tomorrow
  25. The meta evolved in the wrong direction, but there are so many elite specs, stat combinations, now we have relics added in over the years. It's no excuse for them, yet to balance all this, has been too much for them to handle, especially for different game modes, despite them saying they would be focused on, separate Profession balancing, for each mode.
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