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i really dont want to fight against my friends on other servers

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7 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

If you don't mind me rambling let me give you and Chaba a different perspective. So in Warhammer there were less options since there wasn't a third server option. So Roamers and Havocs might note each other on opposite sides as going to face larger numbers on the other side and would wave off each other and pass along since they were both going for targets that were larger. Take that as you will. Maybe WAR seemed to draw more mental peeps. When a new guild I had joined saw this happen as I made a bad call and landed in a bad spot and the enemy Warband passed on versus just dropping me I got WTW just happened. I replied, count coup after fights and if it was good fight let them get back up, accept a wave or here dance off. ID other Roamers and Havocs that you knew were tracking bigger targets and they will return the favor. Go for those that were just looking for any fight but know the other side.

I have also seen this in GW2. So I could see this in server mates during the beta as well and could see aiineseinn's point as well are yours and Chaba's. They aren't wrong since its a game. But there is also not point in winning so instead, find fun where you do and if its in fighting a friendly side, or of leaving them alone its the same. While roaming if I face a good fight between another roamer this is no reason to finish them. I can salute them and let them back up. If they do the same thing but I think they did much better I will bleed out to give them the clear win. This is not the same as dueling but more a hats off to other roamers. 

What I have been finding fun in the various beta weeks is connecting with Havocs and Roamers from a lot servers that SBI has been linked to and seeing other Havocs from SoR that I started on be grouped together. Its funny since Havocs in general seem to think in the same general terms of do what you can with what you have. So its been good to see a Warband of mixed Guild Havocs to split and break to get a number of soft targets done so they can regroup to hit a bigger target that has a stacked group waiting. Mileage will vary mind you but when it happens, its quite a blast and reminds me of the tournament days when groups would work together and do what they could with the numbers they had versus just zerg it down.

Hope that helps or note post history, never claimed to not to be mental so mileage various. Good looting.

To be fair, the post didn't say why the zerg didn't fight. Only that they knew each other and given the thread title it seemed like the why wasn't what you proposed. So yea, I assumed it was one thing.

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