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You can work on any mastery track you want as long as it's unlocked - meaning you already put points / activated previous mastery tier. Once the bar/track is filled you activate it by spending mastery points.

I'm not sure how clear this is. Basically each mastery requires 2 components to unlock it. First component is xp and second are mastery points. When you accumulate enough xp you can spend mastery points to unlock it. You don't need to have enough points to train the xp part.

Example: Pack commander, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Central_Tyria_mastery_tracks#Pact_Commander

For Pack Mentor you need 635 000 xp and 1 Mastery point to activate it. You can "train" it - accumulate xp before you have any mastery points.

The second Mastery in Pact Commander is Productive Downtime. You can only start training it - accumulate xp when you activate Pack Mentor.

Keep in mind, each mastery requires xp from respective expansions. Central Tyria Masteries you can only train xp in central Tyria (core/vanilla maps). 

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22 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

You can "train" it - accumulate xp before you have any mastery points.

I understood that so far but this popup annoys me every minute 😕if i dont have enough mastery points left.

And as i see nothing happends to that yellow bar if i dont spend the mastery point in that training track.

Edited by DoNotAimAtMe.3510
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Just ignore the annoying pop up until you can apply mastery points to pact commander.

Don't stress over XP, if you don't see the bar moving, it still is being collected. Plus, there is a never-ending supply.

If you haven't already, look up insights on the wiki. There are 9 (I believe) in core Tyria for you to find. That's 9 core mastery points easily obtainable.


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  • 2 weeks later...

thank you, another question what is very annoying, i play in window fullscreen mode and i have the problem that the mouse leave my main monitor, is there an option to limit the mouse to the game window ingame? -> Dual Monitor Tools is the solution



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2 hours ago, DoNotAimAtMe.3510 said:

Another question, can story and map mastery points get earned with every new char or are they only earnbar once?


A particular mastery point can only be earned once. For example, if playing the level 60 story awards one (no idea if it does, too lazy to look it up), you only get it the first time through, not on subsequent playthroughs. Likewise, an Insight (or any MP on a map) can only be interacted with that first time, it will be "grayed out" after that, account wide.

Hero Points are per-character, of course.

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