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A Record of War: The Obscure - bugged

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Can't progress this achievement.


Eliminate Eparch's Spies in Nayos. - checked off

Speak with Helod and help him recover a family heirloom (located west side of [waters of the first dream poi] speaking to him going through all options does nothing.  -(the help him recover a family heirloom bit feels like an event but so far have not seen an event here and all it says is to speak with him)

Speak with Shiko and recover the weapon of his fallen squad mate. (same thing as above. speaking to him does nothing, no event, can't progress the achievement. locate north of [well of anguish poi] on a cliff above the homes.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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There are no events that pop. Their conversations reveal items you have to go find. The third option of their conversation for both (iirc) tells you what area to look in. These items appear as yellow named items similar to the field reports you’ll see around the map.


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ahhhhhhh reading... not just speak/ skipping ic. 😄 thanks

 I mean technically "speaking" to npcs in game does not require reading. You are simply flipping pages until the end. This is more so the result of how the devs in the beginning of the game designed it. I got so use to just "skipping" and the cheevo would still complete. Now you actually sometimes have to read which can cause problems when an achievement just says "speak" to them and you're programed into thinking that means skip to the end. 😄

but ic what anet meant now.  (oh the hate will come...)


hrmms how do i close this thread now that its solved?

Edited by Kelly.7019
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