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22 hours ago, Tycura.1982 said:

 Poor holo. They truly have it so bad. Zero tell damage with cleanse and blind from 1000 range away while they spam defensives. I weep for the poor sods. They're the epitome of balance. It's the rest of the game that's wrong.

I main scrapper and I don't find holo to be nearly the hardest thing to deal with out there.  I'm not sure what your main is... in any case against a holo they need to be pretty close to get off their two toolbelts and actually hit with them.  So they have to somewhat close.  They also have no stability and one stun break.  To get 22% damage from lasers edge they have to be in holo mode.  When my window does open I need to land two large hits to do enough damage to take their health out.  See that's what you call trade-offs. 

So there's a couple of ways I deal with it... I have grenades that blind on first hit after a roll (and a flash grenade that just blinds), forcing them to use up their photon wall cause IF they want to do top damage with their two attacks they are locked out of their defensive weapon options while trying to go on the offensive in holo mode.   The I have the old electro whirl to reflect projectiles while I can swap to nade git and hit them with blind.   Ok now the fun part you drop function gyro and bounce around in it with rocket charge... and they almost have those short cooldowns back up... so you drop defensive barrier (the anti projectile dome) and now drop thunder clap... they get stunned again and you have electro whirl back and grenade barrage.... 

Essentially those guys to be offensive have to burn a cleanse whether they need it or not.  So they don't have a lot left to deal with the condi I put on them.  their only other cleanses on the toolbelt are their stun break (yeah cause you want to burn that for just a cleanse) and their heal toolbelt.   Meaning really just their heal toolbelt.  To get rid of more condi they have to come out of forge... which lowers their damage by 22%.  They have to be roughly in nade range of me to attack me and certainly within mortar range.   Since they only have two tool belts that do good range damage, they have to fill the middle with something so they will use the one range forge gives them and then try to close with leap.... which is really what I want... OR they run away at which point I pelt them with nades and mortar as they go and we both reset.

Now there are a few holo's out there that can beat me.... but not too many... and those ones only cause they out skill me greatly.

Wanna know what's hard to deal with.... fricken warrior.  Those guys I can tag 10 times in a row with nades and they have enough invuln and block to chain that they'll get to heal full up.  They land one CC on me that I can't stun break... or I break right into another CC and I insta die.  Fighting those guys is like a retro video game boss fight.    A condi reaper with pistol is a fricken horror..... A good sword whatever theif.... Certain double mace ranger builds built defensive... can literally eat everything I throw at them and you can't get in mele with them or they stun chain the crud out of you.  Then theirs the vindi rev... I have no idea what build shidai uses but it has a huge amount of defensive up time with an insane damage spike.

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