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Raid Wing 8 and DPS levels

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First of all, I have to say, I am over the moon hearing about Raid Wing 8. I would buy the new expansion just for that, and I'm super excited.

However, one point that I do feel is worth discussing here is the power creep that's been in the game lately. If we assume Raid Wing 8 is going to be designed to be fairly challenging on release, that's going to take an element of DPS as well - so as to not skip all the mechanics from the start. Being part of a raid training guild, we've got 7 beautiful wings so far that more people come to learn and are new to every week, and that I'd love to keep teaching to people. With the DPS creep over the past year though, we've been skipping so many things, I feel it's genuinely started eating into the eventual experience these pieces of content offer.

While we already face that issue to a certain extent now with the DPS required for Temple of Febe, I feel the game would benefit strongly from a reduction to overall DPS. Once more content starts releasing that requires this level of DPS, it's going to be harder and harder to actually fit the content to remain relevant at the same time.

Most patches so far have fixed a lot of underperforming classes, but never really address the general state of DPS numbers as a whole. The top builds are hitting 45k by now - could we get a bit of consideration along with the expansion for maybe reducing the global scale of DPS numbers a bit?

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Anet did a good jobs in Strikes - EoD onwards - to prevent mechanic skipping through dmg.
They don't need turn down the overall dps - and rebalance every single skill and trait - in order to do the same for the new raid wing.

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No, we don't need to do less damage. What we need is content that puts that damage to use. This new raid should have bosses with more HP, bigger CC bars, harder hits, more unavoidable attacks, more invulnerable phases, and tighter time constraints so that ToF CM was just a practice run.

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Doesn't matter how much hp , how much cc bar the boss has... 

I would definitely be interested in fighting something that's more active... 

Boss should move his arms and legs, do something, powerups or chargeup for a big attack, kick the players around, slam on the ground, roll around, sweep the players , grab some players who fail to dodge red circle and chomp them and digest them and, u know what's next...so players would atleast try not to disgrace themselves by ignoring mechanics.

I hate the amnytas boss and the spider lair meta boss, who just stand there like big dum dummy heads

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Chak is more active, all bosses in HoT meta are so active. Except auric basin where we need to be active and do certain stuff... Pof meta bosses are so active especially serpent ire hydra, forge with fire hounds of balthy, doppelganger, augury rock meta, EOD meta events ... Even ignaxius at inner nayos, he does some moves and the wyvern boss is not just standing there to let us give him a pedicure... I hate that eparch spider just stands there...


Maybe developers didn't have enough time to research some arachnids behavior and fight patterns and how a spider or a scorpion would fight and to replicate the actions in boss's model


Hope they can design good boss fight in terms of story, mechanics and active boss model for Janthir wilds... And if they run out of time, be forthcoming to the playerbase, that development needs some extratime or resources so we have to wait for a bit longer to get an enjoyable content...

Ofcourse we would get some doomers and critics who would jump at the very opportunity when timeline shifts even for a day and type paragraphs of negative emotions in hopes of demotivating the developers or to drive away the playerbase, but if we just ignore them, the product would turn out to be a masterpiece.

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12 minutes ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

Doesn't matter how much hp , how much cc bar the boss has... 

I would definitely be interested in fighting something that's more active... 

Boss should move his arms and legs, do something, powerups or chargeup for a big attack, kick the players around, slam on the ground, roll around, sweep the players , grab some players who fail to dodge red circle and chomp them and digest them and, u know what's next...so players would atleast try not to disgrace themselves by ignoring mechanics.

I hate the amnytas boss and the spider lair meta boss, who just stand there like big dum dummy heads

Yes, make those slam attacks do like a 5 second knockdown. The charge attacks should knock players really far away, maybe even off whatever platform they are fighting on and straight to their death. A creature big enough to grab a player should be able to just straight up eat the player character for an instant unavoidable kill.

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