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Silent Surf CM - Thoughts

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Once more, quick and sloppy list of what I feel could be changed for the better, except in this case my group can clear consistently(We still tend to skip on it);

- Too much HP. It's not that hard to bring him down, it's just a chore.

- Axes, Eyes and the 2 larger AOE circles can happen a bit too often and too fast which makes the encounter frustrating. More so for some classes in particular, that by design rely on staying close to the target or have animation locks or a long set up for their rotation. A good example would be BladeSworn. Some modifiers like Flux Bomb can significantly worsen this.

- Having to switch to that tool mid fight for the Add Phase feels very counter intuitive, pace wise. Since all the other functions of the tool are 100% redundant at that point, after the initial encounter our SAK should change to just targeting the hook.

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Posted (edited)

i think my issues with this fractal at this point pretty much just boil down to the bundle mechanic. its just so, so bad, and almost every wipe i've had in silent surf on challenge mode has been because of the bundle sending players to narnia if they don't stand in the right spot, at the right time, and aim perfectly, and finally pray to not have any lag otherwise the entire group might as well kiss the floor and say goodbye.


if someone's ping is over 100ms you might as well just permanently explode the whole group upon entering, kind of like the orbs on dhuum.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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Fun little fact- With 40-50 I still consistently can't do the orbs on Dhuum. To me it feels like... Turn into a spirit, go CW to the nearest one, die. Every. Single. Time. I've no idea what I'm doing wrong! Hahahaha ^_^

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It's still got some issues but I don't expect Anet to address those. The HP is high as you mentioned, but people failing jumps at 66% or 33% is the main source of wipes. I used to roll my eyes and think those players are just bad, until my tried-and-tested method for landing the grappling hook perfectly on the platforms for 20 runs in a row sent me flying way past the platform once, and into the ground beneath the platform twice.

Eyes hitting you when you're looking away is also annoying, but quick condi cleanse/stun break can save you if you don't get 1shot by it. I always stand close to the edge for those to make sure there won't be an 0.0001° opening angle that counts as me technically looking at the eyes.

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I just want the feint blue lines from Shattered Observatory that tells me when I'm looking at the eyes to be ported over to this fractal. I Don't know if there's a reason they can't do it because of the multiple sources all at once, but it sure would be nice. Might save me once and a while if I happen to notice that blue line before I get feared because the adds are desync'd or I'm 0.0001% too far turned to the left.

Also... Can we just have Jade bot zip lines to the islands? They're already heavily featured in this fractal and wouldn't be out of place. If there's a way to code it so the ziplines are only active when you have a tether to go to an island, that'd be a bonus. Or just make the platforms lower that the main one so we glide to it and mushroom bounce back. So many options that are better than the janky awkward grapple hook bundle. 

Also agree with making the time between his skills longer which would allow for more dps uptime. This would make his HP pool seem less obnoxious and would also cut out a lot of the boredom of standing around out of the fight, especially sub 33%.


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i think a really good fix for the eyes issue would be to make it so the damage and fear are scaled by the angle, so if you're looking right at them you get completely obliterated, like full dead, but if you're turned to the side the effect is halved, and if you're just barely clipping them its not even notable.

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