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Warrior Spear


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What in tarnation was that? again a Skill that dodges and then attacks? it didn't work in rifle how it will work in spear? a ranged weapons that rewards you from getting closer to the enemy but also has aforementioned backwards dodge? no auto attack chain?

Goddammit man you guys really finds new ways to disappoint me.

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warrior actively approaching the enemy? how dear you

warrior: a class that awaits enemy to attack him first on conquest point since 2012

warrior been stuck on side node duty since 2012 all because warrior can literally not follow up on anything, can only touch anything if the thing approaches warrior first😂

again, another side node only weapon among all 9 trillion warrior weapons that can also only side node

hahaha and literally dont know whats the point of this weapon in pve/wvw, rifle 2.0? lol when rifle already got revised 1 trillion times already

Edited by Lighter.5631
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I mean warriors problem is not actually finishing though. It’s supposed to have good finish, the problem is it has no filler damage to bridge between bursts, so it can’t prevent people from sustaining, which means it has to blow every cooldown to be able to try and secure a kill from a higher health threshold.

Hard CC in abundance is the definition of “finishing” ability. Hard hitting melee skills that increase in damage when enemies are low on health is the definition of what SHOULD be follow up. Multiple gap closers and decent combat mobility on most weapons is not bad. The problem has never been follow up. It has been the gap between bursts and classes out healing our ability to maintain pressure so we can set up a finish.

If we burst from 75% we won’t finish. If we burst from 50% we will. But if we have to use all of our cooldowns to get them to 50%, how do we follow up? If the time it takes for our cooldowns to reset allows the enemy to heal to 80-90% and we have to restart, it’s an endless game whittling away in what can sometimes feel like a futile method of gameplay.

I believe a mid range 2h is not a bad choice. Something with iframes and mobility is good. High damage both sustained and burst depending on range is GOOD. If anything the more I think about the potential of the kit the more positive the weapons *potential* looks to me based on what has been shared. Granted EVERYTHING hinges on implementation and gameplay, so we shall see!

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