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Warrior Spear Looks So Underwhelming Visually


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On 6/21/2024 at 4:18 PM, Journi.7094 said:

As the title says, if you have not watched the spear preview that ANet has streamed then I suggest you do over at their twitch and I'm sure it will be up on their youtube. The spear mechanically looks pretty good for all classes.

However, there is no way they could have taken warrior spear put it side by side to any other class when it comes to these skills visually and said this is up to par and looks nearly as good as any class. You take any of the other class spear skills and compare it to warrior and they are worlds a part visually.

It is very disappointing to see Warrior not get anything visually compelling.

One of the biggest things about making a class fun to play is making the skills feel and look like it has some weight behind the attacks and it feels like your making an impact when using these skills. Arc Divider is one of these skills here while it has been toned down with the change visually.

They could've added some wind particles while throwing the spear or the ground breaking when the spear lands. If you check out spear 2 its just an orange line streaking behind the spear. Spear 5 looks really boring and they could have added more spears or maybe 1 gigantic spear to really grasp that impact.

Maybe my suggestions are not the best and I welcome any suggestions here for our devs to take into any consideration.

I hope before spears are officially released in JW they heavily consider taking a look at warrior's spear visual design again.

With all discussions please keep it civil.


Not just visually I’d say, there barely anything going on other than it hitting stuff with power damage. Can the condi variant get their fill too? Or at least put another mechanic on this weapon like the other spears so there’s something more interesting going on?

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I am agree.
I am not averse to the spear but there are 2 things which annoy me a lot.

1. The Visual is really bad. It looks like they had 5 min to create the warrior skills and 99'999h for the elementalist.....
2. The bigger problem is the "Place the skill on the ground". In my opinion, this will slow down the gameplay extremely and make the Speer unusable. If they will not change this,l will never play speer. I don't know what is wrong in the heads from the devs but WHY DO WE HAVE THIS IN 2024????

Edited by Warrior.9487
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23 hours ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

Somewhere like Spellbreaker which ironically is inspired by the original idea behind Spear Warrior? 

Which is still mostly coming from spellbreaker itself, not the dagger - apart from the 5 skill. Spear does have a few skills that are more than mundane use of a spear, so I think it fits with spellbreaker well. Personally, I'm looking forward to giving a dagger/dagger+spear spellbreaker a shot.

But I think there is a limit to how flashy warrior skills should be. Not having as many flashy effects as professions that are primarily defined by their use of magic or advanced technology feels to me like a bit of a case of... well, it's warrior. Don't get me wrong, I think a few things like adding Paragon wings to that rise-into-the-air manoeuvre would be a nice touch, but I think that expecting guardian, mesmer or elementalist levels of flash might be missing the point. 

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On 6/21/2024 at 11:46 PM, Vepa.6073 said:

This guy is a bot...or do people like this really exist? Are you part of the dev team? Do you eat onions raw? 

Dw guys, it's not only going to be underwhelming visually, but also playing it. (I'd like to get proven wrong, I'll be back when it gets released to say "told you so")

How you like it now?!  good right? /s

Should I wait till release for those people ("it's just beta if we give feedback they will adjust it correctly duh...")

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