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The Bear Necessities: A Peek at the Lowland Kodan and the Story of Janthir Wilds

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As the wayfinder spends more time with the lowland kodan and begins to earn their trust, we’ll gain more glimpses into their lives and their history as denizens of Janthir.

If you make me do events to progress a bar as part of the story I am going to request a refund.

Edited by BatelGeuce.3591
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Didn't fully read it. (Maybe I will do so later when I have more time.) But Jenna and Anise it seems - on the pic? And the part about the Tyrians having noticed Kryptis ... trying to forge yet another alliance? I wonder if they could fit "E" somewhere in there. (If the focus already is on Kryta and Janthir is north of there.) Kodan ... well that one Kodan from the wizards - maybe we will get to see her? (Waiting Sorrow I think was the name?)

For a future expansion still hoping for in-depth focus on the mesmer collective.

Edit: The pics look nice. And the village and description of the Kodan (that they are different from other "usual" ones) reminds a bit of the Olmakan (and how thy are different from your usual Charr). This sure will make for one or another nice lore collection/achievement. (Please another "free" 32 slot bag. :D)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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