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[Pipe Dream]- We Need a Custom Games mode, With a Map Editor. (Think Warcraft 3's/ Halo Forge etc.)

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The more I think about the new pvp mode coming, the more I'm just wishing the community could have some basic tools to mess around with and create our own multiplayer maps/modes with.

We need a map editor/creator, all stats and gear/classes to be moddable and customizable objectives. This would be similar to Halo's Forge mode or Warcraft's map editor.

 This would allow players to essentially do some of the hard work of development for the devs, and breath new life into pvp like nothing else has.

The devs would be smart to at least consider something like this, especially considering how spread Anet's resources are across so many game modes.

Hell Anet could even have a bit of fun with it. They could throw contests for who makes the best custom map, and use it themselves as a new map for conquest or another pvp mode. The EoD map that we've all been waiting for even could be made like this. If the tools are available for players, nothing is stopping them from making it.

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I've thought about putting together a "community" rank bot system in Discord, where you can !register >name<, then anyone at anytime can !queue for games. The bot will place a player on a team amongst others who queue in this way.

Just an interesting take for some 5v5 in-house games, especially for off season, but I no longer have the time to set something like that up... it's just been a project I've had in my head for a while.

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