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season req should be double req by the end, not 120 but 240

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According to the forums, there are less than 10 people good enough to compete for #1, so technically it's already decided by the time the one good player reaches a 95% winrate and settles on p2/p3. Let everyone else collect their Knight/Dame titles and leave, it's better than forcing the whole population to play against the Japanese_Reference_Alt_Memes_LongName_NefariousGrim_Ultimate_Dark_Legendary accounts for double the amount of matches because those people want to get a placement for all their accounts. Because you know, 240 is still too little anyway and the players with that many games wouldn't have issues placing on their 2 to 4 accounts anyhow, only people with single accounts playing few matches/week would.

Quick edit: one interesting concession however would be if minimum # of games was actually related to ranking, i.e suppose you would be placed with 150 games up to 1600 rating but if your rating climbed higher than that it would start filtering whether you have 300 matches or so. That's not exactly fair and effectively creates two leaderboards but, didn't I just describe the current situation before the last comma?

Edited by maxwelgm.4315
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Max games played has always been on the lower end, mostly because Anet wants the casual, full time worker + family person, to be able to have a chance at completing the season. Three'ish games per day isn't a difficult feat.

I don't know what determines a season's max # of games but if a Dev thinks it would change anything about mmr, players in top 100, etc... well, it clearly wouldn't change anything for obvious reasons.

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there is not even 100 active players in Spvp, you people cope hard. Its dead game mode because it's poorly designed garbage, with duo q stomping  bronze/silver and people on 100 alts selling titles over and over because there is not enough people playing to even fill the ladder. there is nothing competitive about pvp in gw2 in 2024.

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