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Jackal sand portals bugged

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To bookend on this topic - I've tested jackal portal locations in the Sanctum of Nabhka and The Terotahedron areas of Crystal Oasis. The Sanctum portals work normally, but the portal to take you above the pyramid is bugged and is not teleporting properly. CAVEAT:  I know of no other areas so far. I'll edit this post if I find any other bugs.

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The portals I have tried to use are bugged as well. Specifically the portal on the very north wall of the Elon Riverlands at the mastery point isn't working for me from the front, although i can get through it from the back except it ports me into a wall every time. I tried two more portals to the east of that point and had to port from the back again although did not get stuck at those ones.

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Desert highlands and Crystal Oasis, Jackal portals are so bugged.

In Crystal Oasis, in the Nabkha Temple I get teleported to a wall, and in Maculate Fringe  I can't get into portal. 

In Desert Highlands , I can't access the portal. 

I'm sad hopefully this gets fixed soon. I really want my Skyscale.  

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In raid wing 5 (Hall of Chains), of the three portals at Statues of Grenth, the one by the Broken King does not work, the one by Eater of Souls does not work, but the one that spawns near the Eyes *does* work for some reason.

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Hi, I have only got the mastery to use the portals today and I have tried using them but I am not sure I am doing it correctly...am I just supposed to walk towards the portal? Do I need to press a button? I have tried to take the two portals for the Skyscale near  [&BJEKAAA=] and [&BEAKAAA=] 

Again, not sure if I am the problem here lol

Edited by Filibex.1743
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1 minute ago, Filibex.1743 said:

Hi, I have only got the mastery to use the portals today and I have tried using them but I am not sure I am doing it correctly...am I just suppose to walk toward the portal? Do I need to press a button? I have tried to take the two portals for the Skyscale near  [&BJEKAAA=] and [&BEAKAAA=] 

Again, not sure if I am the problem here lol

With the Jackal Mount you just walk through the portal. It is just bugged. You are not the problem. 

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I also encountered this issue yesterday. I didn't take any portals in Hall of Chains cause I usually just glide down with the skyscale so I didn't notice until Mythright Gambit.

We managed to get to Sorting and Appraisal and the entire squad couldn't progress. /GG didn't work, whole squad leaving the instance and coming back didn't work, and whole squad quitting and restarting the game also did not work. We had a kill on Conjured Amalgamate but couldn't go further than that. Would get stuck in a wall in S&A each time, and we tried many times.

Good to know this is an issue that happens in most other spots and not just the raid wing, I'll hold back on using the jackal for the time being

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As others have already reported, W6 is broken cause you can't progress past Sorting & Appraisal. The bug seems to be related to an inversion of portals as you are pushed out of them in the wrong direction.

For the first W6 portal, you can avoid getting stuck by jumping immediately as you go through it, that'll clip you out. The second portal (to the room with the three mini-bosses that you have to CC/ pull to the Skritt) seems completely broken but you can actually clip into it if you hit it from a weird angle while jumping. The problem is, again, it'll push you out the wrong end. You end up in a very tiny corner behind the portal that is blocked off from the rest of the room because of the invisible wall/ portal hitbox, because we still have to have nonsensical crap like that in GW2 for some reason.

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My progress is blocked on Skyscale Lost because I can't use sand portals in Crystal Oasis, particularly at The Teratohedron and also the Sanctum of Nabkha jump puzzle.

EDIT: managed to get around it using Springer and Griffon mounts but still annoying!

Edited by Garcia.5401
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10 minutes ago, BoAKaN.6052 said:

Just tried to do Nabka for Kralk Aurene weapon variant collection but can't finish because portals not working...The portals to get INTO the tower work, but the ones inside do not seem to work.

Same here. Horizontal portals not working properly, having to jump several times on them to pass through, and then exiting on the wrong side of the exit portal.

Once inside one the portals just makes me exit inside a wall, from there I just can't progress anymore.

12th runs for Kralk skins, first time having this problem

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