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Spellbreaker is not healthy for PvP Scene

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8 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

It is important to point out that the only thing War/Spellbreaker is good at it, is 1v1 dueling on side nodes. There have always been better roamers, better team fighters, and then War never really gets good versions of support at all.

If that is the only thing its design is good at, then it should definitely be one of the alpa side nodes, keywords there "one of" not "the only".

But current Spear/Staff is atrociously overperforming to where not only has it allowed Spellbreaker to be the indisputable only choice on a side, but now they also debatably the best roamer and team fighter. The main ingredient with this problem is the #4 skill on the Spear. It works like an Ele Scepter Fire #2 that has way way less of a telegraph that happens 3x faster and deals a lot more damage. A couple Spellbreakers who are on the same team can coordinate their Spear #4s together and just instantly nuke targets. That attack ignores projectile reflect and they can put unblockable on it, and is a super inobvious/quick cast that follows targets wherever they go, even through ports. I don't even think I'd call it +ing at this point but rather nuking. There is a difference.

Then that would be a shout to buff warrior in the areas that do not allow it to fill other roles. It has 3 specs.. im pretty sure Anet could have done something within the trait lines of zerker/blade to offer a roam/group fight build. SPB makes the most sense as a duelist/support build with the correct traits. They didn't do any of that becuase lets be honest, ANet are not good at game balance. Instead, we have this overall ethos that warrior sucks on anything apart from dueling, there for we justify it being a dominant duelist, despite it being low skill floor.


I personally don't buy into that type of ethos for one reason, a spec that has a low skill floor but is just as effective as a spec with a high skill floor, will dominate representation of that role (duelist) at low/mid skill level. A player on a higher skill floor spec, is actively punished vs SPB, for not picking SPB. That player will only start seing the reward of the higher skill floor spec once reaching high gold/plat skill level.. and some players may never reach that level due to more casual play times. This, in turn, makes specs like SPB even more dominant in representation, becuase people then jump ship to higher reward for lower effort SPB, and duelist "diversity" plummets. And that is exactly what has happened.


SPB, with its current skill floor does not deserve to be any more than a #4 duelist. There are other specs with higher skill floors that should be able to topple it much easier than at current, but those specs can't do that at low, mid, and now even high level play. SPB is a complete failure of keeping specs in check under the ethos of effort/reward in order to maintain spec role diversity, it is unbeleivable to me that people don't see this even now, it is so objectively blatent.


Every person who affirms the ethos that SPB with a low skill floor, should be able to equally compete with other duelist specs with a higher skill floor, have basically contributed to the current abomination of SPB, dominating at all levels. Plats didnt care until now becuase you know.. an SPB griefing low golds by not dying on far in a 2 or 3v1 is just L2p issues. That was never true, SPB is, and has been for a long time, a bloated monstrosity of god aweful low effort/high reward balance ethos from both the community, and the developers.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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