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Thank you for adding the pets! (Especially Samadog :D)

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I want to say thank you, so much, for adding players' much-loved pets to the game.

This Wednesday, I had to bring my dog Samantha to the vet and say goodbye for good. I knew Tuesday that it would be the likely outcome, and I cried so much before and since. A little while later, after I'd returned from the vet, I remembered that pets from the last Extra Life event had probably been added to the game with Janthir Wilds. Feeling a sense of hope, a good friend and I equipped our Chatoyant Lenses and started our search at Moon Camp in Lowland Shore. Mostly cats, but we did spot a couple of pet rocks, phoenixes (guessing birds), Gamma Ray (dog) and Shooshadoo (quaggan, though I am unsure of the actual animal).

Then we entered Harvest Den from the south... and there she was. Samadog, as if she'd been there waiting the whole time, right near the entrance of the town ready to greet me when I inevitably came "home." The unbelievable timing of the expac's release right before Samantha left my world is... exactly that: unbelievable. While this digital representation can't replace her, being able to visit her in game brings comfort.

(Note: Guildmates and I had nicknamed Samantha Dog "Samadog" based on a name origin discussion of Samarog, the third boss in Raid Wing 4 Bastion of the Penitent.)

Something that would make it even better is if I could have her in my homestead. I know that's unlikely, if not impossible, but it would be the absolute best thing, to have her run up when I enter the homestead, then roam and follow me around now and then. I've not a clue how that could be implemented, but I can wish!

The main takeaway here is that I am very appreciative of the effort put into bringing these pets into the game. I'm sure I'm not the only person who is.

Thank you!

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I'll say Samadog was one of the ones that gave me a hearty chuckle when I threw on my tonic for the first time.

And I too had a hearty cry after I found my late babyman hanging out in the ranch area. 🥲

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Streamstrider.2079 I just want to add one more note for you! I shared your post with Joe Kimmes and he immediately remembered Samadog--he asked me to tell you that she is also in Hoelbrak outside Wolf Lodge. Extra Life pets always have two locations (unless the donor made a specific request): One in the newest expansion map and one in a core Tyria town, so everyone can visit their pet regardless of what expansions they do or do not own. 

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@Rubi Bayer.8493  I was in the middle of raiding when I got the notification of your replies, and the tears caused some self-inflicted blindness. My oldest and primary character is a Norn. I don't expect that to have contributed to the decision to put Samadog in Hoelbrak, but it means a lot, regardless. I'm going to go find her as soon as raids finish up. 🥰 The decision to have the pets in a core map as well is a wonderful one!

@Roda.7468 Samadog would 100% have wanted you to chuckle. 😄 I'm sorry your loss as well, although it's nice to imagine them both having all these new friends to play with, completely unbothered by their pain, and (in Samadog's case, at least) free to chase anything!

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