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ANet: Please stop using unstable magic

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21 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

That's not how it works.

Yes it is. You make a claim, you have to prove it.


21 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You made a claim, that you haven't seen even a single prior complain about it.

That's no claim, that's my personal experience.
Do you know the difference?


21 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You got linked one.

1) Yep, one I haven't seen before. 😉 

2) The linked one is OP themself. So OP is still the only one I have seen complaining about it. 🤡


21 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

So, it's not that there weren't any, you are simply not good at looking (or have poor memory).

I never claimed there aren't any. Please read my posts properly.

And it doesn't matter how good I am at looking, it's not about me. It's about OP. OP made a claim, so OP have to prove that it's true.

Otherwise OP is simply not trustworthy. Without proves they could made up anything.


21 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's only after that you shifted goalposts and started demanding proofs of more threads.

Again, please Read My Posts Properly...
It's not that hard...

I Never demanded "more threads" at all. I just demanded a proof for OP's claim that "many people" complained about the same as they.
I don't care about the amount of threads, I want a proof for this claim.

Since OP never delivered any proof and since the one link posted by another user only shows a post of OP themself, there is no reason to believe OP's claim is true.
At this point it's just an made up argument to make their post look more important.


21 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

No, i'm not going to bother sifting through the forums looking for them (especially considering how lot of those happened way back). Not going to put the effort to do it just because you either weren;t around PoF times, or weren;t paying attention then.

1) Then just don't make up claims you can't or aren't willing to prove. It's that easy.

2) I play since release, thanks. You can keep your assumptions for yourself.

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