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Act 2 Mastery Objective: Electrical Interference

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The Janthir Wilds: Act 2 Mastery requires an achievement called Electrical Interference, apparently associated with Chapter 7. Twice Stricken. The achievement states: "Block the conduit from charging up. 0/5"

I cannot for the life of me, figure out what this achievement is referencing, and I've done Twice Stricken more than twice. I don't know what conduit it means, and how I should prevent it from charging 5 times. Nothing I do progresses this achievement. (Also no one's posted any guides related to this achievement yet either.)

What's the secret?

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Stop her from zapping the rocks with her beam. It has a very large arrow on the ground with a green indicator above it, that has two people in it, towards one of the rocks around her. Just stand in it and you'll progress.

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11 minutes ago, Sigmoid.7082 said:

Stop her from zapping the rocks with her beam. It has a very large arrow on the ground with a green indicator above it, that has two people in it, towards one of the rocks around her. Just stand in it and you'll progress.

Thank you, but when does this happen, during the chain phases or the burn phases? I haven't seen her do it yet so I guess I'm speeding through the phases too fast

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22 minutes ago, Shaman.2034 said:

Thank you, but when does this happen, during the chain phases or the burn phases? I haven't seen her do it yet so I guess I'm speeding through the phases too fast

Not sure when, it just happens any time she is attacking through the fight. Just stand on her long enough and you'll see it. Its quite hard to miss. Especially as Malice also stands in the beam as well.

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It happens during the regular phases when she's attacking. The thing can be hard to see when you're on the wrong side of her. I missed it the first time I did the instance, easily completed it the second time. You can take all the time you need to do it 5 times, just don't damage her to advance her phases and she will keep repeating it a few times per minute. In my experience, there will always be an NPC in the line with you, so it's easy to solo.

On a side note, I like the new indicators that appear with green AoE, indicating the number of players you need in there.

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I missed this one too because there was no little buff icon indicating what to do or when to do it so when I didn't see any obvious frame of reference for it (I didn't even see the markers for her charging them up while I was running around planting lightning rods and doing the wildclaw stuff) I figured it must have happened in a second phase or post-fight sequence that didn't exist.

They really, really, need to stop randomly hiding achievements like this. While I'm at it: stop being so arbitrary about which achievements track progress and which ones don't too, please. At least be consistent.

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I can confirm that she does do this line stack mechanic, but not while shielded (planting lightning rods / running chains). It takes her about 20 seconds to do it for the first time during a burn phase, so it's easy to skip it completely if you have high enough burst damage.

Thanks everyone for your assistance!

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