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Not getting credit for Weather Conductor achievement | Janthir Synthri

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I've been camping the event that spawns @ Kindle Barrens POI, where you have to defend and repair the lightning rods. I've tried multiple times and theres no achievement tracker even at the start of the event where the rods start of broken. Some people in map chat told me they have the achievement. Can someone tell me if im missing something or if the achievement is bugged atm?

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I have the same problem. I tried with a group and we defended all lightning rods but nobody got the achievement. Later I tried on my own and did one by one and still nothing. Guess its bugged like full bloom.

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You need to get lucky with map instance. You will know if you are able to get the achievement if you see the icon/achievement tracker at the START of the event. Just do the event normally trying to build the rods fast. Would be easier to have a few people do it with you. IMPORTANT: Do not to get downed as you will lose eligibility. It is a pain having to swap instances just to get into an instance with the achievement tracker working. I hope it gets fixed. 

EDIT: You need to be in the instance before the event starts for the achievement tracker to show up. The achievement tracker doesn't show up when you swap to an instance where either defense or bottle lightning is ongoing.

LAST EDIT: Did some more testing, seems like you dont have to be at Kindle Barrens POI where the event is for the tracker to appear but you need to be in the same instance before the event starts.

Edited by Ralen.1986
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40 of us on at the event location just after the meta completed. We all tried to get the achievement tracker and none of us could get it to apply. We were there 10 minutes before the event spawned. We completed the event without issue and not one person got the achievement. 

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Yes still bugged for me too.

I have tried multiple times with an organized group that had multiple people defending every rod. Still haven't unlocked the achievement.

Additionally the other event in the chain sometimes stalls out with it's timer stuck at 10:00 and it not accepting bundles.


Finally this is less of an issue compared to the above, but certain lightning rods will eat your bundles without healing if you are moving when you press interact.

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I can confirm that it seems possible to complete both events. Never had a problem with turning in jars - just run to the spot press f and run back to turn in no need to get hit by lighthing. For the pre-event spamming F while walking to one of the bugged rods (that otherwise would "eat" your metal scrap but not healp up) works - recommended in some other thread here.

The conductor achievement seems to need eligibility icon. I once got it by being present when the event started. (Seems to be required.) Failed though ... cause I was solo. Another time with a few people doing it I lost it ... not sure if one rod got destroyed (we seemed to healp them up fully pretty fast and untorfunately then the bars get removed from the  UI only visible at the rods themselves when selecting them) ... more likely that I accidentally moved out of the event areay close to the hill (falling down using mount/gliding to to up).

So ... being there before it starts +  not moving far away seems to be required.

When joining dedicated squads for like 2 or 3 times ... the icon never appeared though. Despite being present at the start of the event. No eligibility icon. As if too many people would block it. Then of course ... no achievement.

The wiki does not even have enough info on this event lol. It seems pretty odd that a huge zerg can fill up the bars and the timer only means you have to repair all during the timer and then it ends. Event then ends  with success in a minute or so. (No real defend then where after repairing all the timer persists.) Imo they should turn it into an event where they start healed up (or anothe pre to build them first) - then a timer to defend like 5 mins. With late-join allowing to still get the eligibility icon.

Would encourage people that arrive early to still try it calling for help. (Only getting eligibility when being there at the start would mean no one would join late to help.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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I can confirm after spending about an hour running as a commander and trying, several times on the same event in a small group (3-4) and a large group (30-40), the eligibility for it never spawned on my bar. It seems the first event starts with all the conductors already broken, and repairing them all bypasses the timer for defense and just straight up ends the event.

We tried multiple ways to science it out, such as before/after the meta, different maps, less and more people, being their before the event, showing up after it had started, completing the second event and waiting for the first event to spawn again, and none of it worked. It's like the event is either spawning with all the conductors broken already, which makes it impossible for the eligibility to trigger, or that this is just an entirely different event (Build the rods with scrap within the time limit, as opposed to defend the rods).

Not sure what exactly is going on here, but can definitely confirm the even is bugged in some sort of manner. Unfortunate too, cause this is one of three (the other two I just need to finish) achievements that I haven't completed for the expansion that isn't time gated.

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This achievement is still bugged, but it is still possible nonetheless - you need the right circumstances for it.

1) The bug is that once it failed on a specific map instance, it will remain failed for that instance, forever. In other words, if the achievement failed on a map it will not reset for future events. So even if you are there when the event spawns and do everything right, you will not get the achievement.

2) The goal is thus to be there for the first event that spawns on a specific map instance. The trick I followed was this one:

So you log onto the map a few minutes after the meta timer starts (xx:35 or something), so that (1) you are very likely to be put on a fresh map due to the high population on existing maps, and (2) since that event cannot spawn during the meta (pre-timer and bosses), if you get on a fresh map that way you are guaranteed to be there for the first event on that map instance. The event should start a couple of minutes after the meta ends (whether it succeeded or failed).

You will know if you can get the achievement if you get this effect: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Achievement_Eligibility:_Weather_Conductor

3) Now that you are set up to do the achievement, the next step is ... not to fail it. Enemies will not aggro rods that are at 0% HP, but as soon as you start repairing a rod, it becomes a target for everything around it.
The idea is thus to focus on one rod at a time, and to clear enemies around it before starting to repair it. Do not rush repairing rods - the easiest way to fail the achievement is to start repairing a rod in the middle of a pack of enemies, and have it destroyed in seconds by AoEs. Your best bet is to have at least a couple of scraps next to the rod to immediately get it to 50%, giving you a nice buffer.
You still need to get a bit lucky, because another player could very well mess it up on another rod and fail the achievement for everyone. I had to attempt the trick twice because of such a player, but at least it shows the trick is solid because the achievement tracker popped both times.

Hopefully this gets fixed soon, but in the meantime that workaround looks solid if you still want to attempt the achievement.

Good luck!

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3 hours ago, Futeko.9405 said:

1) The bug is that once it failed on a specific map instance, it will remain failed for that instance, forever. In other words, if the achievement failed on a map it will not reset for future events. So even if you are there when the event spawns and do everything right, you will not get the achievement.

This is not true. I've had a map where I got the achievement icon on 2 events in a row. Both were fails sadly, but the fact that the first one failed and I had the icon for the second one disproves this theory.

To me it seems like the first event or the followup one to catch lightning in a bottle has to fail for it to properly reset. (Or have it be a fresh map)

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1 hour ago, Poki.8235 said:

This is not true. I've had a map where I got the achievement icon on 2 events in a row. Both were fails sadly, but the fact that the first one failed and I had the icon for the second one disproves this theory.

To me it seems like the first event or the followup one to catch lightning in a bottle has to fail for it to properly reset. (Or have it be a fresh map)

Good catch! It might be that a fail of the event itself resets it.

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I was lucky to be able to get it. After finishing my other stuff I wanted to do some PvP while staying near there - hoping I'd get to load into an instance with it up + icon visible. Icon was visible when I moved there and the event was up ... and this was a bit after the meta I think. Could be that there are other factors making it disappear. It stayed after we finished the event (me + like 1-2 others that joined).

Could be that failing removes the icon ... not lettign it appear on that instance of the map again. But if you finish it with no rod destroyed it maybe stays for the next time. Luckily it seems you just need to guard the rods you repair - until fully repaired. Then not onyl the bar disappears ... mobs also seem to ignore them. Made it possible to finish it fast with a few people and get the achievement.

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Yeah looks like a fresh map helps. I got it after getting on a fresh map at the start of the meta, waiting for the event to spawn just after the meta, and babysitting the lightning rods against all the other players hell bent on letting mobs break them.

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I was on a map that we were able to convince people to let the event fail.  The next time the event spawned, the eligibility icon appeared and everyone there was able to get the achievement.  Interestingly though, the 2nd part of the event also had the eligibility icon, which surprised me.

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I want to give my experience because i finally got it. First, i was waiting in a map for event to trigger. It eventually appeared, and i had the success elligible, i was happy. I started to kills mobs without bringing any piece of metal to the rods. There was another guy doing the event with me, and i saw the progression bar of certain rods. And the success was still on ! So, i started to bring a piece to a rod and... The success vanished immediately 😞

I created a squad waiting for another event to trigger (in the lapstime, the "part 2" of the event was done). 15 min later, second chance. This time, success eligible again, i killed mobs but NEVER brought any piece. And i got the achiev as if it was easy. I told some of the mates of my squad my intention not to bring anything this time, to see what happens. I can't tell if all of them did the same but other guys from my squad had the achiev like me, as well. Maybe some of them brought pieces and still got it ? I don't know, but that would be weird.

Anyway,  i suggest you to try the same. Call for the event, be there when is starts, and when you see the Success icon above your skills, kill mobs and don't bring anything to the rods. Let random ppl do it for you ! It would be interesting to see if that works for others, as it did for me ?

(To finish this, when the part 2 of the event happened, the one you must bring bottles to lightning, i was still eligible to the success even though i got it just a minute before 😄 ).

If someone read this message to the end and tries to do this technique, it would be great to answer so we can know if it was pure luck or something consistent ? Thank you ^^

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1 hour ago, Methos.4190 said:

I want to give my experience because i finally got it. First, i was waiting in a map for event to trigger. It eventually appeared, and i had the success elligible, i was happy. I started to kills mobs without bringing any piece of metal to the rods. There was another guy doing the event with me, and i saw the progression bar of certain rods. And the success was still on ! So, i started to bring a piece to a rod and... The success vanished immediately 😞

I created a squad waiting for another event to trigger (in the lapstime, the "part 2" of the event was done). 15 min later, second chance. This time, success eligible again, i killed mobs but NEVER brought any piece. And i got the achiev as if it was easy. I told some of the mates of my squad my intention not to bring anything this time, to see what happens. I can't tell if all of them did the same but other guys from my squad had the achiev like me, as well. Maybe some of them brought pieces and still got it ? I don't know, but that would be weird.

Anyway,  i suggest you to try the same. Call for the event, be there when is starts, and when you see the Success icon above your skills, kill mobs and don't bring anything to the rods. Let random ppl do it for you ! It would be interesting to see if that works for others, as it did for me ?

(To finish this, when the part 2 of the event happened, the one you must bring bottles to lightning, i was still eligible to the success even though i got it just a minute before 😄 ).

If someone read this message to the end and tries to do this technique, it would be great to answer so we can know if it was pure luck or something consistent ? Thank you ^^

YES! I tried it without repairing... just killing mobs and i got that achievement. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/11/2024 at 3:38 AM, Methos.4190 said:

I want to give my experience because i finally got it. First, i was waiting in a map for event to trigger. It eventually appeared, and i had the success elligible, i was happy. I started to kills mobs without bringing any piece of metal to the rods. There was another guy doing the event with me, and i saw the progression bar of certain rods. And the success was still on ! So, i started to bring a piece to a rod and... The success vanished immediately 😞

I created a squad waiting for another event to trigger (in the lapstime, the "part 2" of the event was done). 15 min later, second chance. This time, success eligible again, i killed mobs but NEVER brought any piece. And i got the achiev as if it was easy. I told some of the mates of my squad my intention not to bring anything this time, to see what happens. I can't tell if all of them did the same but other guys from my squad had the achiev like me, as well. Maybe some of them brought pieces and still got it ? I don't know, but that would be weird.

Anyway,  i suggest you to try the same. Call for the event, be there when is starts, and when you see the Success icon above your skills, kill mobs and don't bring anything to the rods. Let random ppl do it for you ! It would be interesting to see if that works for others, as it did for me ?

(To finish this, when the part 2 of the event happened, the one you must bring bottles to lightning, i was still eligible to the success even though i got it just a minute before 😄 ).

If someone read this message to the end and tries to do this technique, it would be great to answer so we can know if it was pure luck or something consistent ? Thank you ^^

Your comment actually helped me clear the achievement, without me even trying!!

My parameters:

1. Loaded into a map and ran to the event spot.
2. Event was already running, had 0 progress on all the bars. No one was around.
3. Event timer was 2 mins, counting down to failure.
4. I had the achievement credit on my buff bar.
5. Proceeded to kill the mobs around, disregarding the scrap parts they drop.
6. When the timer ended (for event failure), I got credit for the achievement.

So it's either I was on a fresh map OR picking up the scrap parts/turning in to repair bugs out your credit for the achievement.

If you are reading this and would like to try, just head to the event, check if you have the eligibility buff on you buff bar, kill mobs without picking up scraps and either let people clear the event progress OR let it fail. Report your results here if you can!

Edited by Fadhli.9086
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