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Janthir - Ridiculous mob spawnrates

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Spawnrates in some parts of the maps are actually ridiculous. Mainly noticable in specific world events. In the event where you help a kodan retrieve their spear, there are so many wolves and rot monsters along your route which just stall the event to a point it just is no longer fun, and by the time you dispose of them, another wave has spawned in their place. The kodan doesn't even do anything, he just sits on the warclaw, stares right at the mob and waits for you to kill it -- doesn't fight back, say anything or move.

In fact, today we've been getting stalled for so long the game deemed me ''inactive'' from the world event, which also proves those mobs are not even part of the world event itself, but just exist on the map and you happen to run into them over the course of the event. I understand that these events shouldn't be straight up freebies, and that there is strenght in numbers, but this is unbalanced.

The high spawnrate of valravns on Exorheic Falls during the event are also an issue, it is a never ending wave of valravns even 10 players struggle against for what is seemingly supposed to be possible to be done by a small group, all the while the NPC you escort gets distracted the entire time fighting back -- them walking from point A to B takes forever.

Spawnrates in those areas should either be turned down or enemy health should be rebalanced to account for an increased amount of enemies, its plainly infuriating to play against. I don't know if GW2 uses such system anywhere else in the game, but having areas dynamically adjust enemy HP / spawnrates depending on ongoing events near or at that location would be a well rounded solution to making those quests more easy and enjoyable for smaller groups / lower pop instances, without directly ''nerfing'' the region or map as a whole.

There is also something to be said about the proximity of some events and champions to eachother. Some are so close they overlap and disrupt/hinder eachother.

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I'll also add that the only people who those ridiculous spawn rates will make happy are the AFK and bot-farmers.
At the very least, as a "hotfix", we could get the Quest-progressing NPCs be NOT distracted by the infinitely-respawning squirrels and just move on.

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The Valrvan event was funny. We must have killed hundreds of those before we somehow made it till the end.

I actually like big waves but they should stop at some point. We just felt sorry for those birds in the end

And yeah they do seem a good place for afk farmers. 

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Spawn rates are fine.


The problem is the aggro ranges and leash ranges. You can't explore or look at the map in peace because you are perennially getting harassed all the way from Pluto.


Cut down the aggros ranges and it becomes less problematic.

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