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Ascended Shards of Glory for a PvE Noob

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So, I don't care for PvP but, I have flipped enough camps in WvW to make Conflux twice.  However, I have 0 Ascended Shards of Glory, and was looking at how to farm them....seems like a roadblock of having to PvP for these but whatever.

Can someone suggest the fastest/most efficient method of getting into ranked PvP (I am like level 6 or 8 ) and then getting Ascended Shards?

Bear in mind that, I have no desire to be competitive and actually get good at PvP.   My eyesight and hands are pretty bad, I cannot react to what I cannot see, and I am too old for that sweaty action.  I just want to farm the Ascended Shards.  I am willing to park and lose 160 odd matches if that's what it takes but, I assume that would upset other players?

How does a PvE noob farm Ascended Shards of Glory efficiently and without upsetting those who actually care about this game mode?

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It all depends on your goal here with ascended shards.  Are you going to make Legendary armor or trying to unlock a specific skins. If your trying for legendary armor set.  The wiki explain it better with ascended shards in that pvp legendary armor section.  If ya want just want armor set armor.  It would take 800 ascended shards.  Note those armors have 3 version with each version looking for more refine.  So if your goal one set.  Possible may want to consider focusing on Glorious Reward Track and do that six times.  Since don't know the item goal.  Will try to help with the questions.

At this time theirs no fast way outside of special event.  Where when Anet release PVP rush week.  Do that since you can get 200+ Ascended Shards From the rewards achievements.  So for regular time period.  You need to go in the deep end and just play pvp rank.  Theirs no "you can't play this mode restriction" for it and it's only way to get ascended PVP shards.  Where even with losing you get pips toward getting those ascended shards.  Now for upsetting people.  Most likely you will.  Mind sets can be funny in PVP, heat of moment, the expect perfect players which don't exist, and your likely doing random match ups with 9 strangers.  They may thing to help not upset people which is pet peeve of me.  "GIVING UP"  Don't do that.  Don't afk in the starting area. Even in blow outs with its clearly the other team winning.  Just try at least since you never know you can rally and its more respect for the other players.

Where if just focus playing a match or two a day in rank you can build up those ascended shards fast.

Also doing PVP tournaments.  Certain monthly ones on the weekend will have ascended shards for participation or doing well. Sign up and try that help speed it up

Hope that info helps.

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3 hours ago, mungozen.2379 said:

So, I don't care for PvP but, I have flipped enough camps in WvW to make Conflux twice.  However, I have 0 Ascended Shards of Glory, and was looking at how to farm them....seems like a roadblock of having to PvP for these but whatever.

Can someone suggest the fastest/most efficient method of getting into ranked PvP (I am like level 6 or 8 ) and then getting Ascended Shards?

Bear in mind that, I have no desire to be competitive and actually get good at PvP.   My eyesight and hands are pretty bad, I cannot react to what I cannot see, and I am too old for that sweaty action.  I just want to farm the Ascended Shards.  I am willing to park and lose 160 odd matches if that's what it takes but, I assume that would upset other players?

How does a PvE noob farm Ascended Shards of Glory efficiently and without upsetting those who actually care about this game mode?

Spellbreaker staff/spear you will be fine for some time

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2 hours ago, SkidsKnight.9036 said:

It all depends on your goal here with ascended shards.  Are you going to make Legendary armor or trying to unlock a specific skins. If your trying for legendary armor set.  The wiki explain it better with ascended shards in that pvp legendary armor section.  If ya want just want armor set armor.  It would take 800 ascended shards.  Note those armors have 3 version with each version looking for more refine.  So if your goal one set.  Possible may want to consider focusing on Glorious Reward Track and do that six times.  Since don't know the item goal.  Will try to help with the questions.

At this time theirs no fast way outside of special event.  Where when Anet release PVP rush week.  Do that since you can get 200+ Ascended Shards From the rewards achievements.  So for regular time period.  You need to go in the deep end and just play pvp rank.  Theirs no "you can't play this mode restriction" for it and it's only way to get ascended PVP shards.  Where even with losing you get pips toward getting those ascended shards.  Now for upsetting people.  Most likely you will.  Mind sets can be funny in PVP, heat of moment, the expect perfect players which don't exist, and your likely doing random match ups with 9 strangers.  They may thing to help not upset people which is pet peeve of me.  "GIVING UP"  Don't do that.  Don't afk in the starting area. Even in blow outs with its clearly the other team winning.  Just try at least since you never know you can rally and its more respect for the other players.

Where if just focus playing a match or two a day in rank you can build up those ascended shards fast.

Also doing PVP tournaments.  Certain monthly ones on the weekend will have ascended shards for participation or doing well. Sign up and try that help speed it up

Hope that info helps.

To make Conflux x2 I need 300 Ascended Shards of Glory.  That's all I want. 

Correct me if I am wrong, but I need to play Ranked in order to earn Ascended Shards via Reward Tracks?  If so then I need to rank up to lvl 20 in order to get into the ranked queue.  Is the fastest way just to play unranked matches?  I have to lose at worst, 77 matches just to get into Ranked (just into level12 atm)?  or am I missing something here.

Also, for the PvP Rush events that reward a good number of Ascended Shards, is that available in any form of PvP or specifically ranked pvp?

geez I will have to play over 230 matches (assuming all loses) in order to grind this out?  How long does an average match take?

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3 hours ago, mungozen.2379 said:

To make Conflux x2 I need 300 Ascended Shards of Glory.  That's all I want. 

Correct me if I am wrong, but I need to play Ranked in order to earn Ascended Shards via Reward Tracks?  If so then I need to rank up to lvl 20 in order to get into the ranked queue.  Is the fastest way just to play unranked matches?  I have to lose at worst, 77 matches just to get into Ranked (just into level12 atm)?  or am I missing something here.

Also, for the PvP Rush events that reward a good number of Ascended Shards, is that available in any form of PvP or specifically ranked pvp?

geez I will have to play over 230 matches (assuming all loses) in order to grind this out?  How long does an average match take?


and average match 11 minutes, included timer, Q waiting time 3 minutes.


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