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Janthir Wildly Overtuned

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On 8/26/2024 at 1:12 PM, Mic.1897 said:

Do people actually want challenges in games for the best reward or do they want to afk for loot

Cannot speak for all, only for me and I only want the achievement attched to it and am not doing it for any challenge.

Same with everything else in open world. I either do it for fun or for achievement. I'm not looking for challenge. Sometimes I do stuff for the loot. If it's not to bothersome.

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On 8/26/2024 at 8:48 PM, Cuks.8241 said:

Adventures should make you sweat for gold. Silver is usually easy and sufficient for everything you need. Gold should take practice.

I think there is a bit of an issue in that from memory, getting gold in those adventures is required for meta-achievements that contribute to other meta-achievements and gaining mastery points, and I'm not sure there's a lot of free mastery points in this initial release. Previously, the majority of what you'd be looking to get from an adventure could be gained from silver, and getting gold was never needed for anything beyond a few more achievement points, an extra reward box, and maybe some bragging rights.

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First for the Fish races. Gold is hard, true. But, you can do the race to tick off Gold for at least the meta achievement. In those cases, Gold is the Silver time in time trial.

I do agree that some of the titan events are overtuned. They can really gang up on you pretty fast. The condi preasure is extremely high for classes with low cleanse options and the AoE's are plentyful and sometimes hard to keep track of.

My biggest issue is Ley-Line Build Up on some bosses combined with the overlap of events. This is torture... plus the build up is extremely fast... WAY faster than i ever seen on Bounties.

2 examples:

1. I open the map on Griffon, max speed, venture for a split second too close to a boss that, at that time, gave that leyline debuff... 5 stacks... and I died litterly 46,000 units away from taht event. That is overkill. That would mean you force me to do the event if I get too close.

2. Chasing the antilope and spearing him down, we were with a group running after it, while we came to an event with said Leyline Build Up... i instantly knew I was forced to swap to that event, but the rest kept chasing the Antilope and... you guessed it, died from leyline build up.

Things really need to be reviewed in those matters. it cannot be that overlapping events means that the one you are shooting for is garuanteed to fail due to mechanics of other events too close nearby.

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For gold, ANet should increase the time to 3 minutes because it doesn't make sense to have to do the achievements ten times to get the achievement. In the claw races, jumping through the hoops is often not recognized and it takes forever, more than in any other race. This needs to be urgently improved, ANet, urgently. It's annoying when it takes five minutes just because the game doesn't recognize that you jumped through the hoops and then you have to do the same thing two more times until the game finally updates it. Please change this urgently.

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