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Stop Treating WvW like a GvG environment


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2 minutes ago, One more for the road.8950 said:

Since then some of these have split up tho, "specialized" more if you will, and it seems that has helped.

Well it really depends on their numbers now if that made distributing them easier. I think anet said they improved match making algorithm too. So i dont know what exactly happend in your example but the point you are making seems to support my idea?

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33 minutes ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

The fact is that there is no one who forces me. It's something that comes naturally to me to let the 'competitive' aspect between servers slip away. I can't perceive it as ''my'' server and I know that in 4 weeks it will actually no longer be my server etc etc. The time aspect has its importance here. It turns all things like : it's not worth it. you want my garry .... Take it in the end it's not really my Garry. Something like that.

I too feel less responsible for the well being or success of the team im shuffled to now but i still care about the people i run around with. I play support and support the ppl like i usually do its just i dont know them. Its a bit like having a different server link just more extreme.


You might actually experiencing real grief about the situation and feeling lost about it and not really sure where you stand is completely normal. Its kind of a big deal and a loss. Its sad that the communities that functioned and were cherished by their members ceased to exist by force. It was not a natural death like a game whose players leave but a decision by higher up in the end. Even if it can be beneficial for the whole of the playerbase.

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