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Please revert Umbriel for CM

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Umbriel finally got its long-awaited nerf for open world! Hooray!

.. .Except that, according to the patch notes, the update seemingly applies to CM also?

I am part of a community which does Umbriel weekly as one of the focuses of our guild. We love the excitement it brings from its more engaging mechanics, team coordination, and high difficulty for Gold.

Unfortunately, by nerfing him, you are taking away some of the joy our communities have for that content. The communities that play Challenge Mode were never asking to nerf this encounter, to my knowledge.  We seek out and play Umbriel CM *BECAUSE* we love highly coordinated 50-man content! Otherwise we would play Hell Knight and Dreadwing instead.

Please consider undoing the nerf for Umbriel CM. (Or give us a Legendary Mode.)

Edited by Kain Francois.4328
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If you could wait with un-nerfing CM mode until I've it finally, finally, FINALLY finished it just once for the achievement, that would be fab.

We did it yesterday and while the less hp may be nice (if it's true), ppl died like before and Zoja died too. We didn't notice less dmg.
I (qdps herold) even got one-hitted once.

Edited by Tula.6021
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