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Need a Ranger Power Build for WvW


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Yes! Ranger in WvW is still quite fun imo. I've been running double longbow as of lately when fighting blobs and believe it or not, it actually works. The idea is to run Quick Draw so you can pop a Barrage every time you swap weapons, while still keeping the burst you get from Rapid Fire into their melee train (or wrecking some poor backline, that's up to you).

This is the build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATTnE8CFsglsAuCCctgl9ALv9GfzvLNhAwZjZgFwGBl495A-j1BEQBG4SA4P1fcnugUs/wGVCCgnAgDV+RKAr2CA-w

Basically you get in combat, then pop your elite, swap weapons, pop Quickening Zephyr and Sic Em and then use Barrage. Then pop Signet of the Hunt and drop a Rapid Fire on their main mass of people. Then just keep pewpewing until you can swap weapons again, drop Barrage again, keep pewpewing and using Rapid Fire whenever possible, swap weapons, Barrage, etc. Also, I use the Jaracanda because the F1 it has when you eat it is pretty handy when they're pushing a choke point, and the F2 and F3 can also come very handy in this meta (altho I wouldn't mind it if it'd give power and ferocity, but oh well). Keep in mind you also need to entering and leaving Beastmode to get the effect from Unstoppable Union (but, of course, start the burst while being in Beastmode). You'll never have similar damage to an ele, necro or rev who know what they're doing, but it's still some pretty decent damage. Also that aoe cripple... it's not amazing but it does help too.Oh, also, I know I'm running double sigil of Bloodlust and Fire but it's hard to keep track of what weapon you're using at each time, so I haven't bothered changing them. This is just a gimmick build at the end of the day.

For roaming I've also been running a gimmick build and it works decently because no one expects it. This is the build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBjYD7kgXogFskFwVQglXssHY5r34b+dpJEAObMDs0WvrEvnG-j1BEQBuTHQK2fYjKB9n6POU5nBuAAA4BAQKAr2CA-w

It is very similar to the other one. The idea is to burst your enemy in 0.1 seconds (well maybe not that quick, but still). You achieve that by popping your elite, then Warhorn 5 and 4, Sic Em and Quickening Zephyr and then swapping to LB and dropping a Rapid Fire on your enemy. By now they should be dead, but if they're not dead yet, go ahed and pop your all your smokescales skills (when it beastmode, of course). If they have some sort of endure pain then you're screwed, especially with endure pain when it's traited since it'll pop no matter what, but otherwise you're pretty competent. You could also go for Quick Draw in this build tho, that's your choice.

But yeah those are the builds I've been running with lately, and they're definitely a lot of fun. The new GS buffs look great but then I remember I can burst most people down in no time and I'm like "meh.".

Good luck!

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ty so much, wilderness survival over skirmishing is not a good choice? You lost some damage, but you gain a nice condition clearing. Bear stance is enough for condition clearing? I'm not a fan of double longbow, so what is better, gratsword or sword + warhorn for zerging?

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@Eolh.5436 said:ty so much, wilderness survival over skirmishing is not a good choice? You lost some damage, but you gain a nice condition clearing. Bear stance is enough for condition clearing? I'm not a fan of double longbow, so what is better, gratsword or sword + warhorn for zerging?

If you wanna use GS or S/W then I'd go with the S/W for speed from 5. :)

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@"Eolh.5436" said:Hello ranger friends!I have some questions for you. Any tips for a power/longbow based build for ranger for WvW? For solo roaming, and maybe for some pewpew from backline in zerg fights? Are we still able to do something in WvW?


Fill out the blanks as you want. You can drop shouts for stances, run whatever runes and sigils you like (durability runes are solid in wvw), make trait changes appropriate to other changes etc. It's just the basic idea.

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@Eolh.5436 said:ty so much, wilderness survival over skirmishing is not a good choice? You lost some damage, but you gain a nice condition clearing. Bear stance is enough for condition clearing? I'm not a fan of double longbow, so what is better, gratsword or sword + warhorn for zerging?

I try to focus on the most damage I can get (mostly, at least, since I'm also running the Signet of Stone trait), and I feel like Bear Stance is usually enough for those encounters where my enemy is supposed to die in no time. Keep in mind this is just a very bursty build, it's not meant to be used for any somewhat long duration combats.Regarding the other weapons.. I'd use greatsword because it lets you leap into some downed near you and then deal a quite amount of damage on him, I've never been a fan of S/W for zergs.

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@"Regnum.7102" said:For roaming I've also been running a gimmick build and it works decently because no one expects it. This is the build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBjYD7kgXogFskFwVQglXssHY5r34b+dpJEAObMDs0WvrEvnG-j1BEQBuTHQK2fYjKB9n6POU5nBuAAA4BAQKAr2CA-w

It is very similar to the other one. The idea is to burst your enemy in 0.1 seconds (well maybe not that quick, but still). You achieve that by popping your elite, then Warhorn 5 and 4, Sic Em and Quickening Zephyr and then swapping to LB and dropping a Rapid Fire on your enemy. By now they should be dead, but if they're not dead yet, go ahed and pop your all your smokescales skills (when it beastmode, of course). If they have some sort of endure pain then you're screwed, especially with endure pain when it's traited since it'll pop no matter what, but otherwise you're pretty competent. You could also go for Quick Draw in this build tho, that's your choice.

With this build for roaming, you will die in the same 0.1 seconds vs condi builds or another power build. Basically you are like a glass cannon without any survivability traits or utilities. The only defensive skills are the evades from sword and vs condi only the Bear Stance, who clean 8 condi, but only every 25 seconds.I don't know how much did you roam or do you roam, but this is not a WvW Roaming build, maybe a PVE build.

In the same time, after the patch GS was greately buffed, and I think now you can use a GS+LB build. With Marauder gear (even with soldier accesories + knight) you will crit with Slash (auto atack) 2k-3.5k every second. In my opinion Anet buffed a little bit too much GS, I hope they will not nerf it very soon.

@"Eolh.5436" my new build for roaming in WvW is this:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNUQJATRnEqAN8ilsAuCCctglJBrJA0AmAPBhLwHLf3+bPun8arSD-jVCGQBE4IAUGNMN4BAgu9HmoSQAcJAMnuADq8zeq/EAAB4m3MbezA38m38m38m1m38m38m38m38m3sUAmrMC-wI f you need more survivability you can chose for accesories soldier+knight.Also if you want to have more survivability you can chose Nature Magic instead Beastmastery, with Instinctive Reaction+Evasive Purity+Protective Ward and change Strenght of the Pack with One Wolf Pack. I use Sick' EM! for extra damage, but mostly for fights vs Thiefs and Mesmers. Sick' Em! can be changed with Lightning Reflexes for fights vs melee class.

I play only Roaming in WvW with my friends, we roaming in group of 3-10 players.

The old build I used, and in my opinion is one of the best balanced build (damage+survivability) is this one:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNUQNBjYD7kQFohXskFwVQglXsMJYOVuKQmLv3OcPuNBgH3E4kWl+VA-jlCEQBOU5n/U/xd6Gg3+DE4BAggLAwDOIAtRDDAOCAbUJYAAEgbGb2mB38m38m38m1m38m38m38m38m3sUAmrMC-w

Ofc there are another good builds too for roaming in WvW, based on your group setup (classes , numbers), the skill of the enemies etc ... When you play vs a weak server you can use glass cannon build too, when you are roaming with another 2-3 friends.

It's up to you what build do you think it's fit you better, but these days roaming solo is not such a good idea, because you will encounter 90% of time groups of 2-5 players.

PS: "for some pewpew from backline in zerg fights" yes you can use something like this : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNUQNBjYD7kSFohXskFwVQgrFssHYPxhy1TbpJEAOb5r35b+9kXluVA-j1CEQBMR5GBeAAwb/B3pbwhKJ2iSwHcQAQwFAwfq/0GNMA4IAQKAzVGB-wFor 25 might you must use Strenght of the Pack>We Heal as One. For maximize your damage be in Beastmode, and use Sick' Em!+Zephyr. If you manage to be fast enough with your fingers, after SoP>WHaO+Sick' EM>Zephyr you can use Call of the Wild, change fast to LB and use Rapid Fire (you will have for 3-2 seconds unblockable atacks. You will hit like hell 5 targets in just 2-3 seconds. Also this combination can be used for terminate a designated target.

GL and Have Fun! but remember you will have more fun playing with friends ;)

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With this build for roaming, you will die in the same 0.1 seconds vs condi builds or another power build. Basically you are like a glass cannon without any survivability traits or utilities. The only defensive skills are the evades from sword and vs condi only the Bear Stance, who clean 8 condi, but only every 25 seconds.I don't know how much did you roam or do you roam, but this is not a WvW Roaming build, maybe a PVE build.

I've been playing WvW for 4 years now and I've always mained a ranger (got UD title and rank 5k+), so that also includes roaming quite a bit. Not as much as these people who upload 1337 videos of themselves roaming, but still quite a bit. With that build you don't die instantly to another power build because of the Lesser Signet of Stone trait and Bear Stance is usually enough to keep you alive until you kill the enemy. Keep in mind Bear Stance removes 4 conditions per second, not 2. Yes, the tooltip says 2, but one of these two things (the skill and the tooltip) is bugged. So that's, again, enough time to keep you clean from condis until you kill them. As I said several times, those are gimmicky builds, they're not supposed to be proper builds, but they do work more often than not.

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@Regnum.7102 said:I've been playing WvW for 4 years now and I've always mained a ranger (got UD title and rank 5k+), so that also includes roaming quite a bit. Not as much as these people who upload 1337 videos of themselves roaming, but still quite a bit. With that build you don't die instantly to another power build because of the Lesser Signet of Stone trait and Bear Stance is usually enough to keep you alive until you kill the enemy. Keep in mind Bear Stance removes 4 conditions per second, not 2. Yes, the tooltip says 2, but one of these two things (the skill and the tooltip) is bugged. So that's, again, enough time to keep you clean from condis until you kill them. As I said several times, those are gimmicky builds, they're not supposed to be proper builds, but they do work more often than not.

Maybe you are a very good ranger and your build works fine for you, even I don't think you have any chance vs a proper roamer player just because your build lacks in survivability. Signet of Stone works only for 5 sec every 70s! (you can die 2 times till next refresh). Yes I know that Bear Stance has a bug atm, but still even you can remove 10 conditions, you must wait for another 25 sec till next remove ... and most of condi class can put new stacks of condi on you faster than 25 sec. Vs Power build Bear Stance also is one of the weakest healing skill, only 5k heal!Anyway, it's your business if you want to use that build for roaming, but definitely is not my recommendation for new/beginner rangers who want to do roaming.

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@"Regnum.7102" said:Yes! Ranger in WvW is still quite fun imo. I've been running double longbow as of lately when fighting blobs and believe it or not, it actually works. The idea is to run Quick Draw so you can pop a Barrage every time you swap weapons, while still keeping the burst you get from Rapid Fire into their melee train (or wrecking some poor backline, that's up to you).

This is the build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATTnE8CFsglsAuCCctgl9ALv9GfzvLNhAwZjZgFwGBl495A-j1BEQBG4SA4P1fcnugUs/wGVCCgnAgDV+RKAr2CA-w

Basically you get in combat, then pop your elite, swap weapons, pop Quickening Zephyr and Sic Em and then use Barrage. Then pop Signet of the Hunt and drop a Rapid Fire on their main mass of people. Then just keep pewpewing until you can swap weapons again, drop Barrage again, keep pewpewing and using Rapid Fire whenever possible, swap weapons, Barrage, etc. Also, I use the Jaracanda because the F1 it has when you eat it is pretty handy when they're pushing a choke point, and the F2 and F3 can also come very handy in this meta (altho I wouldn't mind it if it'd give power and ferocity, but oh well). Keep in mind you also need to entering and leaving Beastmode to get the effect from Unstoppable Union (but, of course, start the burst while being in Beastmode). You'll never have similar damage to an ele, necro or rev who know what they're doing, but it's still some pretty decent damage. Also that aoe cripple... it's not amazing but it does help too.Oh, also, I know I'm running double sigil of Bloodlust and Fire but it's hard to keep track of what weapon you're using at each time, so I haven't bothered changing them. This is just a gimmick build at the end of the day.

For roaming I've also been running a gimmick build and it works decently because no one expects it. This is the build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBjYD7kgXogFskFwVQglXssHY5r34b+dpJEAObMDs0WvrEvnG-j1BEQBuTHQK2fYjKB9n6POU5nBuAAA4BAQKAr2CA-w

It is very similar to the other one. The idea is to burst your enemy in 0.1 seconds (well maybe not that quick, but still). You achieve that by popping your elite, then Warhorn 5 and 4, Sic Em and Quickening Zephyr and then swapping to LB and dropping a Rapid Fire on your enemy. By now they should be dead, but if they're not dead yet, go ahed and pop your all your smokescales skills (when it beastmode, of course). If they have some sort of endure pain then you're screwed, especially with endure pain when it's traited since it'll pop no matter what, but otherwise you're pretty competent. You could also go for Quick Draw in this build tho, that's your choice.

But yeah those are the builds I've been running with lately, and they're definitely a lot of fun. The new GS buffs look great but then I remember I can burst most people down in no time and I'm like "meh.".

Good luck!

Brilliant idea! Never thought about double longbow with quick draw, really well done thank you a lot for the insight

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I've been running this power troll build the last couple months:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATWnEqA1Ci9CCmsAUtglJB7JI05+YNBgGwEA+nWUfqlsizA-j1RBABA8EAuS5HFXCA80Fs/+DUq+jZKBJFQVKjA-w

I only solo roam. Survivability comes from regen, tons of condi removal, protection. Counter is bigger bursts (f'n burst mirages mostly).I may move to SB, but ride the Staff so much I'm holding on. If I'm facing reflections, I just grip hold that AA and focus on not getting hit. 60% of the time it works every time.

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Usually just the LB+ GS old pair.

Don't even bother with axe cuz it's terrible not because of dps, but actually because of the atrocious projectile speed that will never hit anyone who's swiftnly moving..Seriously they need to increase the projectile speed of this thing already like they did to LB.

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I think the first thing is to realise that you should not use the exact same build for both zerging and roaming. But you can use the same gear just need to change a some traits.

For example you if you are going to zerg with a lb you need the marks line and the LB trait for percing arrows. But you dont need this for roaming.

I would get (and have) a set of maruarder armor with duribily runes on it. A bezerker LB with fire and air sigils, a maruarder GS with agility and fire sigils, a maruader 1h sword with fire or air sigil, an maruarder axe with a fire sigil (this is what i use instead of a LB when zerging) and a maruarder warhorn. And then get trinkets base on your own skill and experence (start with pvt and/or crusaders and eventually use maruarder.

The only "compulsory" trait line is Wilderness survival for the condi removal. But every thing else has its uses.

A solid roaming build uses Wilderness survival and natures magic, with either soul beast, druid marks or beast mastery depending on how you want to play.

For zerging you can drop natures magic for skermishing or marks and still use druid, soul beast or beast mastery. Or keep it for your own survability.

There is no best answer just what works for you. Ranger is setup in a way that many things can work.

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