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RIP Warrior (pvp)


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Aside from condi zerk, and the occasional rifle meme, this is bad. Like reaally bad right now in pvp for warrior. Tactics getting slight buffs is like putting icing on moldy old slice of cake that's full of maggots. It doesn't make any build viable competitively(not even greatsword because it's an outdated weapon that needs more love).

Spellbreaker was the only thing Warrior had. We have nothing now.

People don't just swap to power zerk because Spb got nerfed, they stop playing because power zerk isn't as fun to play! There's not enough qol still on zerk's kit!

You know what's sad? This nerf massively targeted up and coming core Warrior builds that were just beginning to show promise. Take this build for example:


Doesn't this build look like fun? It was! It still died to condi too much and didn't have enough defensives to truly compete but I was beating pre nerfed Spb's with this! It was a blast. 

And now this build, and so many core builds like it, are shattered due to the nerfs to stances. When you play this builds you just get interrupted too much, on top of still not being able to mitigate condis.

What use is "To the Limit" anyways?? It takes more than a second to cast still because the aftercast in the animation is still there! Do you realize how tremendously important each fraction of a second is in pvp? Having that slight animation delay makes a world of difference, and instead of fixing that you just added more endurance that wasn't even entirely needed. No one at all was begging for that.

What we were begging for, and still are, is giving attention to pain points that have been terrible for yeaarss: 

  • Eviscerates range is too low
  • Greatsword is not versatile enough
  • Stomp still get's interrupted/blinded too easily and feels too clunky
  • Arms is still garbo
  • Rifle is a QoL hellscape
  • Throw Bolas has been dead for 12 years
  • Banner's are unfun to use! They need an actual rework not just a number and cast time improvement.
  • Core Warrior still massively struggles with getting enough adrenaline! 
  • Flurry is still weak af!
  • Defense is still borderline mandatory
  • Bladesworn's dragon trigger still hits like a wet noodle
  • Might makes right is still not defensive enough
  • Zerk needs better Qol!
  • Many signets need another look at
  • Berzerker Stance is a useless outdated skill still!
  • Offhand Dagger still isn't good enough

And on and on and on... Buffing To the Limit is just showing us your hand that you're not maining warrior. Warrior Main's would address the insanely awful painpoints that I just listed. You can keep warrior balanced while fixing massive awful issues.

So please anet, can you stop ignoring the elephant in the room and address these critical issues??

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Here is my prediction for A-Net next expansion:

  • They gonna address half of the problem you mentioned
  • Slap the solution in the new weapon or new ultility skills or whatever they might come up with
  • Lock them behind a 25$ paywall 
  • Hype people into buying it
  • Spellbreaker or something else become so powerfull it's hurt the game balance
  • Release a tsunami of nerfs and reverts -> The game is balance again, the players already bought for the expansion, cheer.

I think in A-Net balance team's mind Warrior is at the right place where is need to be. It is sucked for us - the player but it's in the right place for them.

That explains why they said they "have no specific vision for warrior", because it's already at the exact place they want it to be.

That explains the nerf wave for Staff and Spear. They are designed to be overloaded to hype up expansions and when those two began to go rampage, nerfs is mandatory to keep the game healthy.

That explains the bare minimum 10% damage increase on rifle in PvE, the mace buff and the buff/nerf on spellbreaker. Those are insignificant changes to guarantee no significant impact will happen.

Disclaimer: I haven't bought EOD, Soto or JW yet so take my word with a grain of salt.


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Warrior right now is more on the "most balanced" Builds Kind of aside. Its on the lvl of every other class aside maybe Willbender/Mes/Necro. You can make Spellbreaker still work on the usual Strength Line. But also playing it kinda good on core with GS/Axe,Shield or the more powerfull comb Staff/Spear. 

Aside this that spellbreaker is still good enough im on your side that both Power Berserker and Bladesworn are straight Bad. Here are at least my opinion for both of them

Power Berserker:

This one could be decent but you realy miss the dmg boost from bloody Road ..... so the clue would be to make the going in and out off Berserker mode Baseline (or simply buff axes burst skills dmg finally again)


This whole e-spec is completely messed ub. The e-specs concept is to sit down root yourself on place to unleash a heavy hard Attack. This concept goes complete the other direction of how mobile the game is just played


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On 10/14/2024 at 6:17 AM, Yerlock.4678 said:

People don't just swap to power zerk because Spb got nerfed, they stop playing because power zerk isn't as fun to play! There's not enough qol still on zerk's kit!

Thats unfortunately very true, power builds for warriors in PvP just dont work without the survivability SPB offers.

Condi Zerker is a much stronger choice but its so unbearably boring to play.

Punching holes with rifle is fun until it just gets negated by hitting iframes that have no counterplay.

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2 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Thats unfortunately very true, power builds for warriors in PvP just dont work without the survivability SPB offers.

Condi Zerker is a much stronger choice but its so unbearably boring to play.

Punching holes with rifle is fun until it just gets negated by hitting iframes that have no counterplay.

Can't hear you. Having way too much 'fun' Skullgrinder'ing  every other non Condi zerker I see. They should really give back the additional second to Feel No Pain again to make power zerker viable  : >

Edited by Lucentfir.7430
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50 minutes ago, Lucentfir.7430 said:

Can't hear you. Having way too much 'fun' Skullgrinder'ing  every other non Condi zerker I see. They should really give back the additional second to Feel No Pain again to make power zerker viable  : >

Good on you for being able to enjoy it, mace just feels so inconsistent on its main hand. Off hand mace if great fun, bit long on the aftercast is all.

Problems with power zerker stretch far beyond that extra second, besides, that extra Savage Instinct second would disproportionately buff condi zerker again.

The akeem skullgrinder interaction im asuming your abusing? 

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1 hour ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Good on you for being able to enjoy it, mace just feels so inconsistent on its main hand. Off hand mace if great fun, bit long on the aftercast is all.

Problems with power zerker stretch far beyond that extra second, besides, that extra Savage Instinct second would disproportionately buff condi zerker again.

The akeem skullgrinder interaction im asuming your abusing? 

Eh, wouldn't be enjoying it as much as the other warrior builds I'm just enjoying it because I know I can probably ruin someone's experience playing it, like it isn't exactly new either, it was a menace back in HoT and just as unfun to play against as it is today. Main-hand mace still plays decently in some archaic builds, like Core Warrior M/Sh + GS, and then you have your  Spb, and Condi Zerker. Offhand Mace is pretty much the better offhand by a long shot now that Tremor resets Crushing Blow, even before it was buffed landing crushing blow on disabled targets hits upwards up to 8k because it gives might and vuln per target(Value is doubled on disabled targets) and hits up to 3 targets, it outclasses Offhand dagger and the target cap going up from 1-2 targets on it isn't much of a game changer. Wastrel Ruin just needed to be a its old version of being able to crit spike a single target for around 10k if they were stunned/disabled tbh. 

I know it would buff condi zerker again I'm not really serious about wanting it buffed, it doesn't take a lot for it to become dumb again I was just prodding a bit of fun because i remember the last time both BSW and Condi Zerker were the meta they were the choices I had to pick over SPB(because it was inferior choice between the three) in ATs because both were dumb brick walls that were capable of killing things and wasting people's time. Funny enough though for Feel no Pain it's still 2 sec in wvw, but there are plenty of builds like signet cata and the likes that exist there in the small scale.  

Also yes Akeem is the go to for Condi zerker, it's a basically roided out core days perplexity runes. Still makes me yearn for the days of old warrior Distracting Strikes. 

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6 minutes ago, Lucentfir.7430 said:

Also yes Akeem is the go to for Condi zerker, it's a basically roided out core days perplexity runes. Still makes me yearn for the days of old warrior Distracting Strikes. 

Wouldnt removing one stack of confusion "fix" the entire interaction between Akeem and Skullgrinder?

That would force people to run blood reckoning to actually proc it.

Must admit i miss the time i could actually run Hammer Zerker and it wasnt considered greifing, Savage Instinct, Dead or Alive and Eternal Champion combo was so juicy, gave power zerker actual defensive options in PvP.

Would be fantastic if they gave Berserk the same CD and duration it has in PvE honestly, keeping zerker out of his actual damage mode is crippling. Having to wait 15 seconds to be able to spend your profession resource on the objectively better version of bursts is real rough. 

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