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Returning player needs advices for class choice


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i returned these days after a long break. So at the moment i get back into the game with my first class ever the necro. I like it for doing things first in case of it's crazy amount of surviveabilty. But sometimes i need a break and some more challangeing. So the reason i got my break from the game was, that i got bored of my necro norn lady. So now i'm looking for a class that can suits me too.

Here are some points wich are important for me.

It should be a power class/spec, my necro is condi all the way don't want to paly the same on my alt. I highly recomend a sword as mainhand. Shield would be awesome too. It should not to be totaly faceroll, but not hardly punishing me for failing the rotation or miss a block/dodge. I play mostly open world and do midtier fractals. No raiding.

I'm thinking about to play a Guardian or Mesmer. But honestly i'm not sure if i can play them relaxed. Guardian is all about migitation and aegis. Have some serious trouble with HoT/PoF mobgroups if i'm playing full zerker and not be on point. Chrono is a lot of fun to me i like to get Illusions up and shatter them, use the wells and blink around, also like the more utillity/support oriented part of it, the whole thing is so much fun to me, but sometime really frustrating too, especially when i played storyparts or if i need to switching between a lot of targets. But it it seems Condi is the mesmerway to go. So here is the question would an zerker/assasin Chrono works in my type of played contend? I'm also thinking to change the pure berserker setting into someting more defbased gear to push my healthbar.

So any advices to me? Ty for reading and replies.

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I personally play a sword/shield holosmith (engineer) in open world and dungeons. It does a lot of what you seems to be describing. There is some sort of rotation, but not too hard. I use Photonic Blasting Module. When I start a fight I enter the Photon forge and hit them with everything I got. When photon forge overheats, I get an additional damage spike, but also a lil bit of damage myself. I then use the sword for fighting till I'm cooled down and repeat.

The main issue is in heavy fights, when the overheat hits me and I get an incoming DPS-spike. This can very well be countered by the number 5 shield skill. The shield also provides some excellent CC for the HoT and PoG breakbars. So there is some rotation to it, but it is not really hard and rarely lethal if you miss it.

In mid tier fractals, they might want you to bring a more generic meta build thought.

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I primarily play a power DH Guardian that is Greatsword and Sword/Shield with Marauder gear for the extra health. You have plenty of condi clears, a gap closer on both the GS and Sword, and AOE with traps and symbols. The shield is mostly for aesthetics, as I wanted a knightly looking toon, but you can use Shield #5 in combo with ToF for another burst and small heal. Shield #4 is nice in group settings to grant others aegis and does decent damage at the same time.

I'm not sure how "relaxed" the playstyle is tho, it tends to be jumping into groups of mobs, dropping traps and meleeing. As you noted, if you are not paying attention you can get downed pretty quick, but I find that to be part of the fun.

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To be honest, I have not played mesmer since the launch of GW2 and I never touched guardian... However, I thought of herald revenant when you described what you wanted (however, I have not played mine actively since HoT). Maybe a rev would be worth looking into if you find chrono / guardian not feeling fulfilling? :) Just thought it might be worth mentioning.

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Power Chrono with sword/shield + x (x being greatsword - sword/sword - pistols - sword/focus).It is easy to pick up, but has a higher skill ceiling than necro.Can be played with power fairly well (although it is not going to win many dps checks), can be adjusted to be a strong support in dungeons and mid fracs (you don't need the 100% boonduration for that. Sure it would be nice, but can be played good enough for your needs).It is not a punishing as an 11.6k health ele , when you forget to dodge -> f4 distort, Sword 2 blurry, shield block, blink, reflects. With all the defense maybe still too easy for your needs?

The I might suggest holosmith.Sword / shield possible.And if played with many of the meta traits also punishing if you don't avoid damage correctly.Does a ton of damage, but can be overwhelmed and killed quite easily, when facing multiple targets.Open world King of dpsLow support in groups but very self sufficient regarding boons e.g. quickness and fury.Lacks a bit of range for some encounters - using a rifle for those is recommended.

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